Uuhg & ask

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So it seems like I haven't updated anything in a long time and I've deleted quite a few things, and yes, that's true. But I have like four books in the making for this year, so no worries! 

One of them is another Pokémon dystopia story, and I kinda need characters... so I'mma tag a bunch of my Pokéfriends and my message is

if you have a Pokémon character, and I mean Pokémon, not trainer, and you're okay with me using them in my story, I'm tired of being creative. I would love to use your OC and I will give all credit necessary, as well as a read and review on a story of your choice.

So just warning, if I get too many OC's which is not likely, I will take the more obscure, random Pokémon over, say, a Pikachu or a starter. That doesn't mean I won't accept Pikachus or starters though, they just have to blow my mind, so don't be afraid to submit them!



FutureFantasy1200 ok that's a new name. I like it.





The rest of you, I hope you know who you are cuz I can't track you all down T-T

I really appreciate it you guys!


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