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Okay, so today I'm going to talk about my AU, not really AU, but a thing that happened that I made up. It's Pokemon!

So if you don't read my Pokemon Rush, which not a lot of you do, I'll explain the plot a little. 

This is the future of the Pokemon world, where Pokemon are rarely used in battles anymore, and are especially treated as slaves and less than humans. 

This AU is even later, maybe two centuries after that. Pokemon live in houses and live side-by-side humans, even though humanity is not quite ready for it. It's pretty awkward, and Pokemon and people kind of stay separated. No surprise, it's the KIDS on both sides that start interacting and being friends!

So that's it. I might make a story about this, or I might not, considering the number of ideas I've pitched at you and have not followed up on.

I suppose I should say something about that fabulous picture. I have no relation to the artist, I just picked it because it's probably the only picture of a Blaziken and a Delphox on the internet currently. If you're my friend in real life, I've probably pointed upon my Blaziken, King, and my Delphox, Queen's relationship. They are married and currently have three daughters, and this is where they live.

This is the guy responsible for the amazabubbles picture, even though when I searched him on deviantart, he aparently doesn't exist: jrl8111

*the artist is a girl, and her name changed to Emeraldarcbreon. highly recommend.

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