Catching up on challenges

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It occurred to me I've been tagged for a bunch of challenges that I haven't been doing, so I'mma try to get them all over with.

*I was supposed to say 13 things about myself!

1. I go to an all girl's school!

2. I have five or six sketchbooks of various sizes and bindings, but I think my favorite is my palm-sized one.

3. I have family in California, Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia.

4. When I grow up, I want to be a history teacher.

5. My favorite Owl City song is probably Rainbow Veins or Beautiful Times.

6. Sometimes I want a pet Ratata.

7. I just only made an Intsagram a few weeks ago. I post Undertale stuff on it and nobody knows what it is.

8: Seven is my lucky number.

9. I haven't worn anything but pajamas in about a week.

10. My favorite character of all time is Gatomon from Digimon.

11. This is harder than I thought it would be.

12. I wish they had given me a bigger art scholarship when I got into high school. It was $200, what difference does that honestly make in a multi thousand dollar tuition? I know I sound a little ungrateful, but I feel like I should be worth more if I'm going to be winning them art awards.

13. I am currently in the basement, watching the Age of Steel (Doctor Who episode) and eating poptato chisps.

for bumblebee0356, the challenge you see in the media! Her questions:

Favorite artist? Vivziepop, the brilliant woman (probably) behind Zoophobia, Hazbin Hotel and a whole bunch of animations on Youtube. If you meant traditional artist than probly Van Gogh, and if you meant music artist, um................... The Script? Let's just say I'd be here all day procrastinating on homework if I listed them all.

Favorite game? Pokemon ORAS

Light or dark? Ooh, hard. Light.

Comic or manga? Manga.

Angel or devil? Angel.

Favorite anime character? Kari from Digimon.

Long hair or short? Long.

Dragon or Dino? Do you even have to ask? Dragons for days.

3DS or 2DS? eh,  3DS.

Felines or Canines? Felines.

Instrument? Well, I played saxophone for a year and I wasn't what you call good. I can kind of play a tune on a guitar, but I really don't that often.

Fruit or Vegetable? Fruit.

Favorite color? She spelled it colour X3 Cyan.

So here are my questions:

Favorite musical artist?

Pokémon world or Underground?

Stars or stripes? Like, on clothing.

Cupcakes or regular sized cakes?

Small or large?

Spring or fall?

Star Wars or Star Trek? (Sorry/notsorry)

Where do you want to live when you grow up?

Dream job?

Curly or straight hair?

Instagram or Deviantart?

Warm colors or cool colors?

Would you smooch a ghost?

The answer is yes. 














I literally just went down the list of people I'm following, so sorry if you've already done this one, you don't have to do it again ^w^

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