Steven Universe Randomness: Peridot

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Peridot is one of my favorite characters, so I'm just going to tell ya'll about my theories and stuff surrounding her.

First off: She was made in a laboratory. Okay, we all know that Peridot is NOT a gem like the rest, because the crystal gems cannot remove parts of their body, (except that one time when garnet turned her gauntlets into rocket fists but that was different) and they definitely cannot turn their fingers into tablets or helicopter blades. My theory is that Peridot is a created body for the purpose of operating technology like herself, like that space ship and other stuff our human brains can't even comprehend.

Second: She's meant to adapt to her surroundings in that she'll copy what people and gems around her do. Her subordinates don't care about what happens to the Earth, so why should she? That would bring me to a whole conspiracy of theories about the diamond authority, but I'll save that for a later update. But if you don't believe me about this specific theory, it's just kind of nature. We all have some urge to copy our surrounding. That and in the episode "Friend Ship" (i think) she copies Steven's gesture of sticking his tongue out, despite probably not knowing what it meant.

Third: She has no idea she's evil in the eyes of the Crystal Gems. If you look at things from her perspective, she's only trying to work, and these Earth clods are just making things hard for her. She knows she can't beat them in a fight, so she runs away whenever they catch up to her. Peridot has no way of knowing what these enemies are fighting for! It gets on my nerves more than anything when people count her as evil and antagonistic when she's only doing what she's supposed to do.

And last but not least: Yellow Diamond designed Peridot. As a part of some diamond junk trying to make the world more "efficient" which again, I will not go into right now, that's for later.

And those are all my theories regarding Peridot! I have this story in my mind where she flies to the jungle and makes friends with Aventurine after she accidentally shoots her out of the sky, but I will probably never write it down because reasons. :D

Final words: I don't know why I attached the Chicago soundtrack, I probably should have put something about Peridot, but whatever, Chicago is cool :3

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