SU 'the Answer' quick notes and analysis

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*Giant Spoilers!*

Alright, it's been awhile since I've done one of these, and I have quite the new material to work with.

Blue Diamond! Oh wow. We can take her as an example of the rest of the Diamonds if we want with her probably special Blue Pearl and pretty sinister demeanor. I can't really speculate a whole lot on her yet.

But the other thing I want to talk about is the different placed gems. The shape for gems seems standardised, because all the rubies had square facets, but they're placed differently, so we can almost suggest not all of them have, say, boxing gloves. It would be more normal for a ruby with her gem on her face to have a helmet like Jasper's rather than a boxing glove like our Ruby. And for lapises... they can't all possibly have wings.

And speaking of Lapis, another thing is how Ruby and Sapphire got their temperature powers. Sapphire had to go on total mental overload, and Ruby fell in love, so how did Lapis get her water power? Looking at them, it doesn't seem like these powers were something meant to happen; like the act of being an individual made them stronger. Something like that might have happened to Lapis. I'll leave you to think about that.

If you have any other thoughts, post them in the comments, and happy birthday Steven! :D

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