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I stared out my newly furnished bedroom window. The increasingly darkening sky was my only companion. An all girls school, in what seemed like an all-girls town. How could she? Moms don't understand, I should know by now.

Speaking of which, I spied a neighbor, what looked like a teenage girl, sneak into the shadows of the street below. She was tall, with short, dark hair that shined in the pale moonlight. I saw her go around one side of her house, but not come back out on the other. She must have gone a different way.

Fatigue suddenly gripped me as I bunched up fistfuls of blanket between my fingers, and I decided to capitulate, falling back on my fresh pillowcase. That night I heard the wind howl and rip innocent branches from nearby trees, and hoped silently for the mysterious girl's safety. It was around one in the morning when I heard a deafening, unearthly roar and a bright orange light illuminated my room momentarily, but I couldn't gather enough strength to check what it was. I didn't sleep well the rest of the night.

When the morning light roused me, I unenthusiastically lugged myself to the breakfast table. My mom greeted me warmly, but I wasn't done being mad at her. 

"Hi Marley! Did you sleep well?"

I answered by avoiding eye contact. 

"Come on, you can't be like this forever. This is a new experience, to meet all-new friends!"

"At an all girls school? All the people who go to all girls school are freaks!"

"Then you've declared yourself a freak." The blonde woman crossed her arms. She was done talking about this, but I wasn't. 

"It's not too late! I can go to the local public school!"

The look of horror on her face was almost laughable. "I'll have you know I've already invested thousands of dollars for you to have a good education here, and you will like it or you won't! Now eat your cereal or you'll miss the bus!"

I growled and took my bowl out to the front steps, gulping down the fruit-flavored food before dashing inside as fast as possible to avoid more conversation, slinging my backpack over my shoulder, and scooting back outside, to meet the neon-green eyes of the dark-haired neighbor from last night. "Oh, hi..." I greet awkwardly.

"Hello there."


Hope ya'll people enjoy! :D

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