In religion again

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I'm bored and feel like I should write something so I'm just kinda going to write whatever I think of.

omg her name is India I thought Casey said Indiana

I wonder when we're going to Mod Pizza again. I want one of their floats.

Has anybody wondered why the fuzz on top of the float tastes kinda bad?  I think all the food coloring floats up there.

It's almost my time to present, I should probly think about what I'm going to say. Nah, I'll just wing it. Literally my philosophy on life.

What am I going to name my Litten? For some reason I want to name it Capitan America.

Ok, Capitan America for boy and Scarlet Witch for girl.

That reminds me, bro bro and I should probably coordinate Litten genders at some point.

Ok I just presented. It never gets easier 

I wonder if I was going to run a tumblr blog if my mod would be Shine or Night. Also I need to continue that story. Why can I not write anything.

Should I start a Smoo advice column? I mean, I know people have problems, and summer's coming up, so maybe I can be an advice writing person.

I was tagged for something, wasn't I? I think I'm going to do that now.

Nee away~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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