Chapter 1: Planning

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(NOTE: This is the second and FINAL book. If you are not aware of this, I highly suggest you read the first book: It's All Over Now. Which can be found in my works. Thanks a bunch)

Morrigan's P.O.V.

I tossed and turned, wrapped in my bed sheets trying to block the sun out of my eyes so I could sleep just a little longer. It was dead silent as if the whole world disappeared. I glanced at my alarm clock, 5:03am. I sighed "What's the point of staying like this? I'm not accomplishing anything." The calendar read August 27th. Tony had died only a few days ago but it felt like years already. Yui and Angel came over to check on me every day. Only they truly knew how much pain I was in. They could tell the second they looked at me that I wasn't really smiling, I was just hiding my true emotions the only way I knew how. By faking happiness that was once there for real.
The last few weeks of August flew by in a breeze from planning Tony's funeral. A few of Tony's old classmates, along with Yui and Angel helped hang up photos up and decorations in Tony's funeral room that I had booked with the money he had left me to plan for his funeral. In total he gave me 5,000 dollars that he had hidden in a box under his bedroom floor. Most of the photos were of me and him. I know we didn't go to many different places together but I liked staying with him and only going to a few places than rather going everywhere with people who don't mean as much to me. Tony's letter that he had given me for the funeral was truly amazing. Everything was so in detail I was surprised he could imagine all of this.

Dear Morrigan,
I'm sure that I am now dead and you have this letter telling you how to plan my funeral. I don't want everyone to wear black sad grieving clothes. Instead I would prefer if they all wore white clothes to celebrate my death. The death I have committed towards myself wasn't a sad one because the second that I took my life away was the moment I really became happy. I didn't need to suffer any longer. I was already so far away from the real world anyways. I made everyone around me suffer more when I was alive than when I was no longer breathing, at least that's what I believe. If you look through the CD'S in my room there is one that should have a black back round with a white angel drawn on it. That is a playlist I put together for the funeral, but don't listen to it before the funeral. I want it to be unexpected for you, please respect that. For the color of the funeral I would like everything to be red. Red food, red decorations, red flowers, you get the idea. I'd like it to be an open casket funeral so everyone can truly see how I died and so they can't blame it on you. I know over time you may adapt a habit to telling yourself that it's your fault but please don't. I couldn't stand you suffering even more when I'm not around to comfort you. From this sudden event of sadness I understand you may be sad for a long time and for this I'm truly sorry. It's okay for you to be sad, I understand that. Nobody should expect you to be completely okay the next day, week, month, or even the next year. Remember that when someone tells you to forget. Do not read past this point until the funeral is over.
- Tony
P.S. Depression really does feel like cancer. You'll understand soon enough.

The letter when on and on to the point where my head started to spin. I thought it would fall off of my neck and I would be just like Tony. Dead. Often when we were planning and arranging things for the funeral I had to sit down outside and cry for a bit to recover. At nights when the day was done and I could go home after hours of decorating and looking through pictures I often arrived to a house of arguing and house items being thrown at my head. Luckily I always ducked the second before it was too late so that it smashed into a million pieces hitting the wall. My parents fights had only gotten worse as time went on to the point where they wanted a divorce but they could afford it otherwise they would be broke and on the streets with me, their useless daughter.

Soon I lost hope in my parents and I started doing everything by myself. I made myself breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I did my own shopping, laundry and cleaning. I had to ride down to the funeral home every single day, rain or shine. Even if I didn't want to I had to anyway. Three days before orientation at my school I did my clothes and school supplies shopping. I bought 6 t-shirts and a blue sweater from the Nike collection at Target. Next I wandered over towards the junior girls clothes. Everything was super short and showed more skin than I imagined possible to pass by our dress code at school. I laughed for the first time in a few days and decided to go to the other selection of girls clothes. I found 4 pairs of shorts and 3 pairs of jeans. I chucked them all into the shopping cart and ran off towards the school supplies section. I loaded my shopping cart with a pack of 50 Crayola markers, 7 note books, 2 packs of lose leaf paper, a white three ring binder, a lime green ruler with a matching calculator, a small mirror for my locker, pencils, a swimsuit, basically everything that I could think of. I hung the bags on my bike handles and drove to the funeral home to plan more.

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