Chapter 35: Learning to Live.

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Morrigan's P.O.V.

Six years later

Time has passed now. Six years of struggling through the rest of my education in junior high and high school along with finally making it into an apartment of my own has made me proud. I don't know if I will decide to go to college or not, but things have gotten better. After I moved out my parents got divorced which I didn't mind at all, I was not their problem anymore. I lived in a three bedroom apartment with Zero, Tyler, Miley, and myself. We all payed one fourth of the rent and things were going really well.

Zero and I have been together for almost five years now, even though we're only nineteen we have a longer lasting relationship than most married people. Zero was enrolled in technology college courses still thinking about his major. Tyler had yet to go to college but did get offers from two schools for his amazing american football skills. To this day he still hasn't moved on from dating anyone besides his once boyfriend Mason who died several years ago. Miley was in college to become a preschool teacher since she found the love for little kids through her old job as a babysitter. Surely enough I was trying to become an author, things weren't easy, but I knew it was what I wanted. I worked day and night in my room on my laptop brainstorming ideas as they come. But of course we had fun on weekends and occasionally went to visit other old friends of ours.

Life was good, even though there were some people missing from it. Yui had broken up with Angel years ago. I found that out on social media. I contacted her a couple of times and even asked her to move in to find out she lives in a different state by herself attending community college. Angel was still a friend I hadn't spoken to in around six years. To this day nor Yui or I knows what happened to her or where she is now. It made me sad she turned out to be a bad person, but maybe it was for good reasons. You never know, maybe if she would've stuck around it would've made our lives harder.

Lastly, Tony and Mason. It had been hard for me to continue through high school with Tony's death in front of my eyes had scarred me. But I used Tony as a motivation to try harder at things and do the things he couldn't do. There were days where I abandoned my plans for the day to go back to town and visit his grave even though in his will he said he wanted me to stop visiting him after a couple years after he passed away, but I just couldn't do that. He was a friend who I would treasure for the rest of my life.

As for Mason's death, I had nightmares about once a year of our last conversation which lead him to his death. His brother Eliot is serving a total of twenty eight years in prison for Mason's death, attempted murder on his mother, but for also for coming back from blood tests with drugs and he claimed to have used illegal drugs and selling other drugs to teenagers stating he only took after his parents who had sold drugs to make money for them to survive. His parents each ended up with seven years in prison for drug abuse, selling drugs, and for many unpaid parking tickets. The next oldest brother Aaron vowed to take care of his siblings since he just turned nineteen. He had a full time job and provided for the rest of their family without anything illegal. Aaron was working day and night, I just hope he won't turn to his parents ways.

We lived peacefully with working during the day, and coming home in the evening to eat. Each night someone was supposed to cook something and we took turns. Yui could make good lasagna and toasted bread. Zero needed help and usually made ramen which was okay with us. Tyler made a lot of smoothies and waffles for dinner because breakfast foods were easier and faster than dinner foods. I made grilled chicken or used the oven to cook french fries with fruit juice and some type of vegetable. Miley usually cheated and ordered pizza or Chinese takeout because she had no trust in herself to cook something. Evenings were usually spent of helping each other with homework, dancing or listening to music together, and playing video games together in our living room.

 For the first time in almost seven years I felt happy and okay again, like life was fun again. There were times where I felt like something was missing, but I realized I had everything I needed in my life still with me. Of course there were times when Tyler and I still broke down and cried in our beds over the people we lost, but Zero, and Miley would comfort us and listen to what we had to say, and that made up for the suffering. Knowing our friends now were just as caring as the ones we had lost.

I didn't know if Zero and I would be together for the rest of our lives, but I knew that we would be friends until death due us apart. Miley and Tyler would be beside me on this road as two people I could trust and go to when I needed help. Of course we all wouldn't live together forever. We would move out after college and find another place to live, and possibly find someone to marry one day. I knew that finding jobs and getting along with the rest of the world would be hard when we've already had such a long fight with life, but for now we had each other, and that was what was important.

From my experiences in my life, watching two of my friends grow with me in my childhood and die before the age of adult hood, to see the light fade out of Tony's eyes as he took his last breath, and to suffer my entire life missing them, I know what it's like to die.

But now with more new and different friends most filled with light, a smile on their face, and made lonely nights not so lonely anymore, slowly, I was learning to live. Just how I had lived in my childhood before disaster struck. And to me, that was another chance at life.

Another Chance (Sequel to: It's All Over Now)Where stories live. Discover now