Chapter 10: Laser Tag and the Laser King

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Morrigan's P.O.V.

We walked through the movie theater halls and found a bathroom. Miley walked up to the big glass mirror and pulled two tubes of mascara out of her purse. She gave one to me and one to herself.

"What are these for?" I asked looking at the violet mascara bottle.
"Just follow my lead." She said. She opened the bottle and brushed the mascara brush against her pointer finger. Next she rubbed the mascara on her cheek to look like war paint and told me to do the same. After we looked like warriors we entered the movie theaters laser tag arena. The a room blasted with blue and red lighting. A young teenager who looked like he could use an energy drink of some kind gave us vests that had laser tag guns attached to it. There were at least another fifteen people in the room who were going to be in the match with us but Miley and I were the only girls from what I could see. The teenager apparently ran the laser tag area for the night. He had dusty brown hair and his name tag read Luke.

"Please keep your arms to yourself at all times, thanks. Next we will decide you all up into teams. One team side is blue, the other team is red. Next I will choose two captains randomly, one for each team." Luke said. He looked around and his eyes landed on me. "You can be one of the captains." He said indicating his pointer finger at me. I walked up to the front while he chose a ginger haired boy with hair that reached his collarbone. He had a dark glare in his eyes. I'm not really sure what color his eyes were since the room we were in was infested with flashing blue and red lights. Even Miley's natural tan skin and green hazel eyes looked different. Her hair looked black and her eyes looked blue. But I knew the boys hair was ginger. I could just tell.

"Alright so these two will be captains for this round in the game." Luke said. He turned towards me and asked for my name. "My name is Morrigan." I said to him. Luke looked confused on how to spell it so I typed it in the machine for him. After me he asked for the ginger haired boys name. After Luke typed in his name he made us shake hands and introduce ourselves.

"Hi my name is Morrigan. Nice to meet you." I said holding out my hand for him to shake. He took it roughly and coughed. "My name is Ricky." He said looking me in the eyes. "And I assure you, I will win."

"Okay next each captain can choose members to be on their team. Morrigan is team blue and Rickey is team red." Luke said. "Morrigan you can start by choosing the first member to your team."

"I choose you." I said pointing to Miley. She hopped up towards the front with me. Then it was Rickey's turn. He picked a musclier looking boy. Time went on and soon we each had twelve members on our team. Thirteen if you counted the captains.

"One last thing before you enter the arena." Luke said. "You each get five lives this round. Blue team will have their own base used for recharging your guns and reestablishing your lives. Once your five lives are gone you're out of the game. When you're out of the game please return to the prep room here. Morrigan, your base is on the right side of the arena. Rickey, yours is on the left. I will now open the arena doors so you can each walk to your area. If you forget what color you are your vest is automatically set up with a red or blue dot in the middle. That is your team color. If you are hit by another member of the opposite team you will hear a shock sound, meaning you lost a life and have to get back to base to reset your vest. To reset your vest simply place yourself in front of the blue or red square light in the middle of your teams base."

Luke opened the arena doors and everyone found their base. Everyone was looking at me as if I was supposed to give a speech or strategy ideas.

"Okay everyone. I know you're probably tired and grumpy but we gotta destroy the other team! Remember where base is and fight!" I yelled loudly. Some laughed, others showed me a thumbs up. We were gonna rock. A boy with a girly haircuts came up to me. "You and your friend. Follow me during the game, okay?" Turns out the he was a she who had very short hair and a British accent.

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