Chapter 3: You Got Me

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Morrigan's P.O.V.

I fell backwards and knocked a few books off the counter. Tony was the only other person to look at this book... No wonder why he wanted everything white and red, he was copying this book in exact detail!

"Is everything alright sweetie?" The book lady asked me.

"N-no... Tony... The last person who looked at this book he was my friend who committed suicide..."

"W-what..." The book lady said.

"His name was Tony Aleston." I said slamming the book the lady had given me on the counter. "Tony's funeral plans he left me with sound exactly like the ones I read about in this book! He must have copied the idea!" I walked around the room in circles and ran my hands through my hair. Why didn't Tony just tell me to read the book instead of giving me a 10 page letter, that I can't read until the funerals over, and it's covered in blood?!

That's when I remembered the cell phone.

Tony's cell phone.

He used to have an iPhone 5 before he died. More answers must be on there. Why didn't I think of that sooner?

"I gotta go I'm sorry I just gotta... I gotta figure this out... Thank you again for your help miss!"

"Come back any time and you can call me Caroline or Mrs.Medela! Please update me on the funeral, if it's alright with you miss, I'd like to come." She said quietly.

"Okay, I'll make sure to come back and tell you about the funeral Mrs.Medela. By the way, my name is Morrigan, Morrigan Streeta. Nice to have met you, bye now."

"Bye Morrigan and may heaven bless you with good luck!"

Mrs.Medela waved to me out the window. I saluted to her and rushed home as fast as I could.

I hit the brakes making them squeak the second I arrived in my driveway. I dropped my bike and pulled down the attic stairs. I sprinted up the stairs and sifted through boxes until I found one of Tony's. I opened it.

Sweaters, blankets, hoodies, and pictures.

No cell phone.

I glanced at the box for a few minutes and picked up a sweater of his.

It was grey with an American Eagle symbol stitched onto it. It reminded me of the happy Tony that I had known not too long ago. A happy young boy playing outside with Angel, Yui and I.

After shifting things back into place in the box I decided to wear the grey sweater. I zipped it up to my neck and put the hood over my head. It felt like a blanket that you could wear without judgement from others.

Box after box I searched through looking for Tony's phone. I had canceled his data plan with version recently so it basically ran on wifi like an iPod touch.

After two hours I gave up and sat down.

"Geez Tony how much stuff did you need. You're a guy, the only thing you really wear are t-shirts and sweatpants!"

I wrapped myself tighter in his sweater. It smelled like old lady soap and a hair salon mixed together. Which made it feel very comforting.

Not to mention his whole house had once smelled like that. Now every time I visit there to pick up more of his stuff to store in my attic, the house has a different smell. As if when Tony had died he had taken everything I had once remembered from his house and mine. But even so, some memories remained irreplaceable.

Sighing to myself I decided to get up and continue searching for Tony's phone. I needed to find it to see if there was something more to his suicidal death.

Another Chance (Sequel to: It's All Over Now)Where stories live. Discover now