Chapter 17: Beware Angel's Knowledge of "Friendship"

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Morrigan's P.O.V.
Five minutes ago.
Yui was digging through my closet for something cute to wear, but found it extremely hard since all I had in my closet were my cousins old clothes, and some of my own from a few years ago that were faded and way to small on me now. Soon Yui gave up looking for something super cute and went with something super casual. Midnight blue leggings and a panda shirt that was cut to go to her waist. "Good enough." Yui sighed slamming my closet door shut. "Jesus Morrigan, you need to go shopping for new clothes." She said walking out the door with me beside her. "I already did." I said indicating towards the sweater I wore that matched the one in Tony's casket. "By the way." Yui asked as we hit the bottom of the stair case. "Why did you put that matching sweater in Tony's casket?" I was just to answer but something else caught my eyes when I turned around the corner to see Miley squirting frosting down Angels bra. At first I was going to laugh, but when Angel turned towards me with tears in her eyes, and when I saw Miley's rising furry gathered in her facial expression I knew this was no game. "What's going on here Miley?" I asked her protecting Yui behind me. Yui went around my guarding my arms and punched Miley in the face before she could explain what we saw. Miley fell back and hit her head on the wood floor. "Yui stop!" I said tackling Yui to the ground. I looked at Miley who lay on the floor rubbing her head. Angel was softly crying and wiping flour out of her eyes. I helped Yui up, got Miley off of the floor, and gave Angel a tissue for her eyes then looked at them all. "What is so wrong with us that we can't go one day without complete drama?" I asked them all feeling anger rise in me. "Why can't we all stop having it at each other's throats for just one day?!" I shouted a little louder. "First of all today was Tony's funeral, and while planning for it this morning Yui and Angel had a huge fight about cupcakes!" I yelled. "Second, I passed out during the middle of it for an unknown reason. I think it's from no sleep, depression, or too much stress!" I said loudly. "Lastly, I come downstairs after helping Yui and I get two girls fighting and beating each other up with cupcake ingredients! Now can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?!" I said screaming then looked at them all. "Miley." I said pointing to her. "You start and I swear to god Angel if you burst in while it's her turn I will shove eggs in your bra." I said. Miley took a deep breath and started. "Angel said the only reason she started the fight with Rin was to get close to Yui and meet her because she has always loved Yui. She betrayed you again Morrigan, you should've seen the look in her eyes when she told me this. Please believe me, I'm just trying to help you..." Miley said ending her sentence. When she saw the rage in my eyes she began to clean up the kitchen. I pointed towards Angel and she started her explanation. "Mori, look at me. You know I wouldn't do this to you, what happened between Rin and I was tragic. I never wanted it to happen, but now I'm sorta glad it did because I got close to you again. Are you gonna believe some random girl you met a week ago? Or someone you've known for years?" Angel said looking at me with innocent eyes.

I looked up, and down at the girl named Angel. A girl I should see for her black flowing hair and wicked eyes. But all I could see were lies.

"Angel." I said. "Yeah?" She asked smiling at me. "Get out." Her smile dropped. "W-what?" She asked placing her hand on her hip. "Do you need hearing aids?" I asked. "I said, get out." The black haired Angel stared at me with black eyes as black as her hair and soul. She took Yui's hand. "Let's go Yui." She said dragging her out the door. "B-but I don't wanna leave!" Without another word from Yui, Angel pulled her through the kitchen and out the front door and with a slam, they were gone.

No direct P.O.V.

Once silence had passed on for awhile longer, Morrigan dropped to the floor tracing a dent in the wooden floor from the time Tony and her had played hockey in the house, and she had fallen so hard her helmet made an indent that no one noticed but her and Tony. Miley sat down on the frosting coated floor with her and wrapped her arms around Morrigan silently. Miley had no words for what had just happened. In less than five minutes, she lost two more friends. Now only left with one. Morrigan stared emptily into the vast floor, curled up into a ball, laid on the messy floor and stayed there. Motionless and silent, so silent that it scared Miley, for she had never seen her like this. "Mori." She said. "I need to show you something." Miley said to her. When Morrigan didn't move or reply to Miley, she picked up little Mori, swung her up in Mileys own arms and brought her to the deck and showed her all the things she had outside. Morrigan saw sleeping bags, blankets, and yet nothing at the same time. "I can't believe I just lost part of myself again." She said in a monotone voice. "Angel... And Yui... They're both... They're both gone... It hurts so bad losing people, but like they say. If it matters, it's gonna hurt like hell." Miley stared at her with surprise in how she could make quotes up on a dime. "Mori, let's sleep outside tonight. Let's sleep on your trampoline outside tonight." Miley said. "Let's forget the bad times, for just one night. Okay?" Morrigan looked up at Miley with no expression truly there. Her face naturally looked sad now, as though she was suffering all the time. "Okay." She said. "But first let's take the cupcakes out of the oven and put the frosting on them. Then we can bring them with us outside to eat." Miley said. Once the cupcakes were decorated in white frosting with a red bottom Miley suddenly knew why Morrigan had chosen those colors. They were the colors of the funeral cupcakes. Mori then picked up the sleeping bags and water bottles while Miley put the cupcakes in a container and took the blankets. Miley followed Morrigan down the steps of Morrigan's small white deck, down to her backyard that was barely visible in the fading natural light. Once we got to the trampoline we threw our stuff inside and laid it out carefully.

Mileys P.O.V
My phone vibrated in my pocket just as Mori and I had finished setting up our sleeping stuff. When I picked it up I saw that it was Yui with a huge paragraph of a message.

Angel says if I want to be her girlfriend that I have to stop talking to you and Morrigan. I've been thinking about it for the past forty minutes now since we left and I think it's best for us to say goodbye. We have had good times together, and I really enjoyed spending time with you both, even if I couldn't stay long. I wish I could be friends with you and stay with Angel at the same time, which seems impossible right now. Until then I'll try to convince her to loosen up a bit but for now take care. I hope to see you guys both soon.

Yui Channs. P.S show Mori this message. It's the last one I'll send for awhile. Nice meeting you, Miley.

"Mori." I said throwing my phone to her. "It's Yui." She caught it quickly then read the message. Once she had finished she didn't say anything or react in anyway. "I'm going to go get some pillows and change into clothes that aren't covered in flour, eggs, and frosting." She said tossing my phone back to me. "Stay here." With that the shoulder length haired girl ran off into her house without another word. I caught my phone just barely and read Yui's message over and over again. "I wonder what your plan is Yui..." I said to myself in the silence of chirping birds and bouncing bugs. I laid down on top of my sleeping bag and stared at the tiny stars above me wondering how I got caught up in all of this so quickly. "I know that things are going to change now, I know that Morrigan will change and that it may be risky to be around her, but I'll stay around for as long as it's safe." I said out loud to myself. I shuffled around on top of my sleeping bag and waited for Morrigan. When it had been another five minutes I started to get worried. I sighed to myself. "Gotta go find her." I muttered to myself. I got up and bounced off my sleeping bag (literally) then walked through the yard with the light of my phone to guide me to where Morrigan was hiding.

Morrigan's P.O.V

I brushed my short hair out which still had flour in it but it didn't mind me much. Once I was in my light blue sweatpants and white and grey Hollister shirt I started picking up pillows in my room for outside when I spotted my old CD player sitting on my desk. I haven't used or looked at it in a long time, probably since Doctor Hamaya gave me an iPod. After digging through my white purse from the funeral today I found Tony's CD, and slammed it inside. Seconds later notes started to play, the CD player worked. I smiled and placed the CD back in it's case then took the flash drive from today along with my labtop and brought that with me as well. I picked up four pillows, the CD player, my white purse and my labtop just as Miley walked in. "Oh Mori, you're here. I was worried since it took you so long. What's with the labtop and the CD player though?" She asked taking the labtop out of my hands so I wasn't struggling so much. "T-thanks." I said stuttering. "And these things will be a special part of tonight." I smiled at her and we both went downstairs and back outside to the midnight colored sky.
Miley's P.O.V.
After the video was over I could no longer find the words to speak. Seeing Tony over Morrigan's labtop in blood was eye opening enough. After he told her why he left I lost my sense of English and could only find silence instead. "M-Morrigan... I never knew..." Was all I could muster. "M-me neither..." She said running her hand through her short hair making her sleeves go up where I saw not one but many tiny cuts. "M-Morrigan... What's that?" I said pointing at her arm. "O-oh, this is um well... I fell... Down the stairs...." She said going off into space. "I didn't notice those this morning at the funeral when you worse a short sleeved dress, or anytime before that since I have been side by side with you every day for the past week... And I don't remember you falling down any stairs." It slowly started to come to me. "M-Mori... Don't tell me you... Oh my god..." Morrigan's face turned away from me and up to the moon instead. "Miley, it's okay-" "No it's not." I said interrupting her. "If you keep thinking it's okay then you're gonna end up just like Tony too." I said giving her the truth. She didn't seem fazed or surprised but rather happy with my answer. "I'm glad that you care about me Miley, but that doesn't mean I'll care about myself and what happens to my body. The scars there will be a reminder of the past, and the clean skin will be a reminder of the new day in every tomorrow. Understand?" Without realizing I smiled slightly and nodded "Okay, Mori. I trust you." I said because once I saw on her left arm, the scar from her left wrist to elbow from the day she met Tony and fell out of a tree, I knew some damages were okay.

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