Chapter 23: Damn Angel.

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Morrigan's P.O.V.

"Yui? Where are you?!" I yelled outside of her house. I couldn't hear what was going on inside but I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself if she got hurt. "I'm coming in okay?" I looked under the rug and in the window sill for a key but nothing was here.

"Zena help me break down this door."

"Mori are you serious?" he asked. "This is someone's house and if-"

"Yes I know but she's going to die if we don't do something come on please help me."

He nodded slowly. "Okay on the count of three alright?" I took a deep breath. "One, Two... three!" Smack.

I could feel the hinges starting to give way. "Come on one more time. One, two three!" The door snapped off and with a bang and fell to the floor.

"Yui! Where are you?!" I screamed and ran down to the basement. "Zena stay here please." he nodded yes. I fled down the stairs by sliding on the railing into the storage room to find Angel holding Yui with a knife to her throat. "Watch out little brat. One move and I'll kill her, I swear." I lost my vision in daze of what was happening.

"Angel please, I know we have things unsaid that should be said but please, don't take out our problems on someone you really love and care about."

She stared at me with the empty eyes that I used to adore so much.

"Fine." She said tossing Yui into me.

"Morrigan thank god thank you so much I'm sorry..." Yui said then dropped in my arms cold.

"Oh boy, who do we have here?" Angel sneered looking at Anthony behind me.

"Anthony I told you to stay upst-" I took a breath and regained my senses. "Never mind what I said before. Can you take her upstairs, please?" He looked at me the way I haven't seen someone look at me in a long time.

"Morrigan I can't leave you with-"

"Zena get out of here!" I hugged him close. "Once you get Yui in her bedroom upstairs please leave this house. I have a plan."

"Okay I trust you Morrigan. I love you." He said looking at me.

"Aww well look isn't that sweet. Falling in love with someone who looks almost exactly like Tony." She said looking at her knife cleverly.

I ignored Angel's remarks and looked at him. "I love you too, now please go." he nodded and ran up the stairs with the girl in his arms.

"So just you and me now Morrigan. I can't believe how in the world your parents gave you a name of a strong war goddess and yet you're still so weak." She lunged at me with the knife but I darted out of her grip.

"Hmm Angel, a name for someone who should be the worlds hero, but ended up being her own devil." I laughed back in her face and slammed against a smaller less colored panel in the wall. The piece of false wall fell over and a long sword popped out along with it. Angel looked surprised and yet even more angry with my new weapon for this battle.

"I'm not going to stand up for you anymore. You've wronged us all in countless ways that I will no longer forgive. Do you understand how much you've hurt the one you love? Do you know how much Yui cried the past days? She's been absolutely miserable without you here, and you don't care at all." Finally something from inside of me erupted and I punched my fist forward just missing Angel's stomach by an inch.

"Impressive speech for a dumb girl who can't cope with the loss of her beloved friend Tony." Angel giggled swiping to the side and slashing my arm in the same place where I had lost so much blood several years ago the day I had met him. It hurt like hell. My vision went blurry, I lost my footing in front of me and I felt like I was also going to lose the battle. I ran up the stairs to the kitchen faster than I could place where I was going and stumbled behind the counter and hid in the lower cabinets. I held my breath and found the first aid kit. I quickly cleaned up the blood but was in the middle of wrapping the bandage around just as I heard Angel come up the stairs. She walked around the kitchen only steps away from where I hid. She would be here any second and I already knew what I had to do.

3...2...1... Now.

I stuck the blade out of the cabinets doors fast just as she turned to the same place I was hiding and swiped left as fast as I could cutting her right leg in deep. It made me sick to my stomach but I knew she wouldn't quit until one of us was dead or in the hospital and that's what scared me to death, almost literally.

"Angel, I don't want to hurt you so please, tell me what's wrong, why are you doing this? There has to be a reason right?"

She screamed from the pain of the sword digging into her leg but didn't seem very fazed at all. "As if you really care, all you want is Yui to yourself. You've always been surrounded by friends all your life. For crying out loud Tony used to live with you. Even after he's dead you still... you still have everything. Miley, Yui and now that Anthony who looks almost exactly like Tony. Ever since I left you in kindergarden I've only been surrounded by fake friends who only used me for my money. It really sucks that you're poor as hell and have everything that I want. Friends, someone to rely on. You got to wake up next to someone important to you everyday. I woke up to a silent, empty huge house only filled with a maid and butler that only are there because of my parents money. I'm never going to be truly happy like this. Go ahead, take this sword through my body as well because I'm already finished as it it. So go ahead and take me away."

I was infuriated. Did she seriously think I was happy. After all the crap that's been going on through the past few years.

"Angel. I barely have enough money to buy food for myself everyday, the clothes I have for the most part aren't even mine. You wanna know why you don't have any friends? Because you do things that make people hate you. Back then you left me alone on my own to go hang out with the little brats. When we became friends again you only used me to get close to Yui. You hurt Yui and I countless times, how could you expect us to want to be your friends after all of that?"

Angel took a deep breath and realized all the stuff she had done.

"Mori, stab me. Please." She said staring at me.

"W-what no, what are you talking about Angel?" My eyes popped open in surprise.

"Never mind." She took her knife and stepped up, onto the ledge, open the window and jumped out, leaving with her dress flowing in the wind behind her. My heart dropped.

Angel just jumped out the window of my house from the second floor.

Another Chance (Sequel to: It's All Over Now)Where stories live. Discover now