Chapter 24: Unwriten Destiny

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Morrigan's P.O.V.

I heard Angel's body hit the ground below and ran down my deck in strong fear that rocked my whole body to the core. If she was really dead I can't even how much trouble we would be in. I jumped through bushes into my backyard to find that Angel had disappeared, only to see blood splattered on the ground where her body had used to be.

"W-Where the hell did she go?" I asked myself in a hissing whisper. I got no answer, only wind whipping my hair behind me then I remembered Yui and Anthony in the house upstairs.


"Morrigan, we saw it." Anthony said the second I opened the door and found Yui in tears on the floor.

"How could you let her fall like that?!" She yelled in sobs in my face.

"Yui please let her explain what happened first." Zena said giving her a tissue.

I took a deep breath and explained to them how Angel had wanted me to stab her with a sword but I wouldn't. Yui stopped crying for the most part and listened closely. When I explained how she had jumped out of the window without me telling her to they gasped.

"Wait, if she jumped out the window then where did she go?" Zena asked.

"That's the problem, I don't know. There's blood from when she fell but by the time I got down there she was gone. I think this was the last time we will ever see her." I looked to Yui with soft saddened eyes. "Yui, I think she's going far away." Tears welled up in her eyes but she did not cry.

The room was silent for a few moments but Anthony was finally the first person to break the silence.

"I think I'm gonna go. I'm sorry Morrigan, but you're really scaring me and I-"

"Don't say you're sorry, I know you don't mean it, Anthony. Please, just go. Yes I know my life style is dangerous. I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore."

"Okay, Thanks." He said looking down quietly and rushed out of the room without a glance back.

"Some kind of love you have there." Yui said scooting close to me.

"Eh I guess, it's alright, honestly I expected it. No one really stays around long." I said sighing. But stood up.

"Mori, are you lonely at home?" Yui asked shyly standing behind me.

I paused for a second and laughed a bit, which scared her. "Yes, this is the loneliest I've ever been Yui, and I think this is the most lonely I'll ever be." I said hanging my head down. "But I'll be okay, I have books, stories, friends to keep me compa-"

"But what about when you're alone? When books, friends and stories don't keep you company, what do you do?" She asked with curiosity.

I sighed and began. "I just sit alone in my bed, listening to the stillness of my house that once used to be so full of energy. Bustling little friends, parents, sometimes I even miss the arguing." I laughed at myself. "Yui, if you ever find an important friend, fight for them, spend time with them always and never take their existence for granted, because, one day they could disappear and you'll wish you could have done anything to make them stay." I ended my words opening the door.

Yui hugged me tight and cried. "I know it hurts Mori, I'm sorry."

I wiped her tears away. "There's nothing to be sorry for Yui, this wasn't your fault."

She nodded and let me go. Apologized for taking me out of school and making Anthony mad at me. I got home to a car in the driveway which I hadn't seen there for months. My moms car was parked outside, I looked inside the car to see lots of clothes and food wrappers. Figures, she had money and was probably in a hotel. I knew for sure I wouldn't want to stay in this house.

I opened the door to see her hair completely messed up, her outfit shredded to almost nothing, makeup running down her face and she was going through the fridge, then slammed it shut followed by endless swearing. I tried to shut the door silently but forgetting our house was a piece of shit, the door squeaked, which she heard.

"Morrigan! Get the hell in here." She yelled in her drunk voice and already I knew this wasn't going to be good for either of us but mostly me.

"Why are you here? Schools not even out yet!" She yelled slamming me against the wall.

"I-I was helping my f-friend-" I started choking then stopped talking.

"As though you have any real friends." She said then dropped me to the floor which left me gasping.

"Y-yes I do. I thought you weren't going to be here that's why I came back. But if you're really my mother, where the hell have you and dad been for the past month." I said getting up and staring at her blankly.

"Out busy with w-"

"Mom you don't even have a job."

"Well I got one." She said then pulled out three one hundred dollar bills from her pocket and gave them to me. "Go buy groceries with this." Then went to her purse and gave me another five hundred dollars. "This is for other expenses, I'll be back next week. Extra money is in the false board under the sink." 

"Wait! Where's Dad?" I yelled after her. She stopped dead in her tracks.

"I don't know Morrigan." Then she left without any explanation.

The door with slammed a loud but empty sound and again I was left alone, without anyone to call who could be there for me at this time of day. It was still mid afternoon, people were still at school, Yui was in shock, too gloomy to do anything, so here I was, alone again.

I walked back to my room only to see a second bed still there next to mine that I used for the countless number of sleepovers I had with Tony, Angel and Yui. Now it all seemed so empty and so did I. I sat in the corner of my bed and glanced at the dark room listening to my fan whir above my head and made up my mind right then and there.

I'm going to make a will.

Another Chance (Sequel to: It's All Over Now)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt