Chapter 34: Gravestones and Junior High.

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Morrigan's P.O.V.

Months later

I was walking towards the graveyard as usual at around six in the morning since school starts at eight. This had become a part of my everyday routine now. Buy two white roses, go to Mason's grave site, lay a flower at his tombstone , walk five miles then end up and Tony's graveyard, lay a flower on his tombstone. June was starting now, school would be out in a couple days, I couldn't believe this year of hell was so close to being over. My grades were crap, more then usual. The only thing I could ever get an easy A in was writing and language art's classes. For almost the past year I've been thinking about what I wanted to do with my life, and the only things I can come up with are, therapist, because of what happened in my life with Tony and Mason's deaths, a writing editor, or lastly an author. Author sounds like something I'd like to do, recently all my time has been dedicated to filling the empty space around me with books, and writing short stories. The only problem, is so far the short stories all end in death. It didn't matter if I want it to or not, it naturally happens which terrified me all in all.

Tyler, nonetheless to say was a mess, and I hadn't heard from Angel or Yuia in almost nine months, maybe even longer then that. Miley and I started talking even more then usual after Mason passed away. I knew she was deeply concerned, but I didn't want her to get involved in this anymore, I wanted her to stay as safe as possible. In the last few months she's been telling me over and over that someone in our sixth hour likes me, but even after she's brought it up multiple times, she still won't tell me who it is. Nonetheless, it does not bother me, I don't care.

Beep, beep

Tyler is calling.

"Tyler?" I asked myself before hitting the accept button.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Are you at Mason's gravesite yet?" He asked sounding slightly cheerful. I was glad he was happier, he's been trying to get on with his life since what happened to Mason, even though I knew it wasn't going as well as he wanted, I was more then astounded with how well he's been feeling lately.

"H-heading there now, why?" I asked sensing the answer that I knew was about to come.

"Can I come with you?" He asked.

"Of course." I said. I was right, that's what he was going to ask.

"Where are you now?" He asked, I could hear him opening the door of his house to leave already.

"Uh, I think I'm around 31st street." I said recognizing the familiar pine trees around the area.

"Got it, wait there, I'll meet you in about ten minutes." 

"I'll wait here, got it." I said hanging up and sat down in the grassy clearing nearby where I was standing.

As I sat in the grass I began to think over the things I've experienced in the past couple years, honestly I never thought anything like this would happen. I thought the first time I'd hear about one of my friends dying is when I'd be gray and old. But to my surprise, I witnessed my best friend take his own life at the age of fifteen, and heard about Mason's death when he was only sixteen. 

I got lost in my train of thoughts until I heard someone running towards my direction. 

"I'm here." Tyler panted, bringing along with him a bouquet of flowers bigger than a watermelon.

"You didn't need to bring so many you know." I said showing him the two white roses I had gathered.

"I know, I did it because I wanted to." He smiled at his boyfriends remembrance. "How are you Morrigan?" He asked.

Another Chance (Sequel to: It's All Over Now)Where stories live. Discover now