Chapter 26: If Only

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Morrigan's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning to see Mason sound asleep in the bed next to mine. For the first time in awhile he looked happy and safe. I decided to sneak out and make some breakfast. I got out of bed quietly and walked downstairs into the kitchen and opened the fridge to get eggs and opened the pantry to get waffle mix and other ingredients. Soon I was mixing all of the items together in a bowl and heard my iPod start to ring. With a swift movement I picked up my iPod and checked the Caller ID

Tyler is calling

'Great'  Was all I could think to myself. 

I picked it up and already was preparing myself for the worst.

"Morrigan is Mason at your house?" He asked seeming slightly worried but I wasn't sure if I should tell him.

"Why? Are you looking for him?" I asked trying to sound clueless about where Mason was.

"I wanted to talk to him about getting back together. In case you didn't know we broke up awhile ago. I now realize how wrong I was to have done what I did to our relationship. Is he there Mori?"

I gritted my teeth and decided it was better to protect Mason.

"He's not here sorry. Maybe call Angel or Yuia?" I said.

"Okay good idea thank you." He said then hung up.

I sighed and continued to make the waffles. I knew I had to tell Mason about this. I just didn't know how I was going to.


About an hour later all of the breakfast food was made and it was 10am. I walked carefully into my room and saw Mason awake rubbing his eyes. 

"Thank you for letting me stay here over night Morrigan." He said smiling. I was so happy that I made him feel welcome.

"Mason anytime you want somewhere safe to go. Please you don't even need to call me just come over. I insist." I said smiling at him.

"Really? You mean it?" He said with excitement.

"Of course I mean it!" I said giggling. 

"Thank you Mori." He got up and hugged me quick and laughed.

"I made breakfast for us downstairs." I told him as we were walking out of my room.

We got into the kitchen, got our food and sat down to eat. We finished eating and were going to sit down into the living room to watch tv just as the door bell rang.

"I'll get it." I told Mason. He nodded in response and searched the tv for something to watch.

I opened the door to see Tyler standing outside crying.

"T-Tyler what happened?" I asked stepping outside to check on him.

"Morrigan, M-Mason is here isn't h-he?" He said in a heart breaking tone.

"Tyler... H-he's here but I don't think he is ready to see you yet-"

"Please just ask him." He pleaded.

I sighed and nodded. I walked back into the house to go ask Mason.

"Mason, Tyler wants to see you. He's outside now. Do you want to see him?" I asked nervously.

Mason shook his head no and jumped back to the wall with a small scream.

"Tyler!" Mason yelped.

"What are you-" I turned around right into Tyler. He must have walked in. I tried to push him back outside but he pushed me away and ran towards Mason who was still standing with his back against the wall.

"Tyler please don't come any closer." Mason said shaking.

"But I love you Mason. I really do." Tyler said with tears still down his cheeks.

"No I don't believe you!" Mason said screaming and crying. He kicked over the small table so Tyler couldn't come any closer and he ran up the stairs. I heard a slamming door and the next second Tyler was running up the stairs full speed. 

"Tyler don't!" I screamed chasing him as if we were children again. But man I wish we could be.

I was seconds too late. Tyler was pounding on the door starting to loosen the hinges.

"Mason please let me in! Just let me talk to you!" He yelled only to hear no response. I knew I had no choice now. I pushed Tyler with force and locked it from the outside.

"Mason, Tyler is trapped into my room it's safe to come out now. I promise." I heard the door unlock and Mason stepped out crying.

"The last t-thing I wanted was him here." He sobbed quietly. I lead him into my living room and got him a snack to help him calm down. He ate quietly and after I turned the tv on I walked upstairs to just hearing my door cracking open literally. Tyler had broken the hinges off and was on his way downstairs. I acted quickly and with one swipe I punched him the second he reached the stairs and he fell flat on his back down the stairs blacked out. I held my aching hand and went upstairs and yes my predictions were correct. Tyler had completely torn my door out of the wall. 

With a heavy sigh I picked up the door and put it against the hallway wall. Just then Mason came running up the stairs to see what all the noise was from.

"Mori what happened?" His jaw hung open and seemed in fear.

"W-well Tyler broke my door and was trying to get to you again so I punched him for you." I said laughing a small bit and biting onto my hand.

"You're the best friend a guy could ask for." He said giggling a bit. 

I smiled a weak smile and nodded not really paying attention to what he was saying but rather feeling a pain in my heart of what my friends have turned into in the short time span of a year when everything suddenly went wrong.

I didn't think one young boy losing his life would leave the rest of his friends losing their minds.

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