Chapter 6: It's a Miracle

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Morrigan's P.O.V.

Light shimmered around me. Flash backs swam towards my memory. When I was 7 a lady in church whispered to me.

"My young lady you have a big life in front of you."

Memories of the last day of 6th grade at Burnsville Bowl.

"Morrigan after this game of bowling lets go play lazer tag!"

"Or go in the photo booth and take pictures!"

"Ohh do you have feelings for Anthony Zena? Come on Mori tell us!"

I smiled. I felt myself smiling.

I remember getting Anthony Zena's phone number the very last second of 6th grade. Literally the last second of our elementary school years before I went on the bus and never came back to being a student at that school. I remember the last few minutes before I got on my bus Anthony came up to me and gave me something.

"Hey Mori... Um I wanted to give this to you as a memory of me incase we don't go to the same middle school. It's from when we celebrated Easter in our classroom this year... The little chickens we got from Mrs.Twicha. I want you to have mine if that's okay with you..."

"Yeah that's okay with me but why do you care if I move so much?"

"Well I... I uhh..."


"Oh crap sorry. I gotta go by bus is about to leave! I'll text you or call you soon bye Anthony!"


I had gotten on my bus, and he had started walking home. My bus passed by his house everyday this year so everyday I waved to him but this time would be the last time. I was extremely sad but I didn't know why. The time I waved for the last time seemed different than usual. But I shook it off and smiled like it was the best day of my life.

I placed his chicken on a shelf in my room and it still remains there to this day. I'd glance at it once in awhile and remember my old connection with him. Now that we were in middle school now with none of the same classes I knew that connection was lost forever.

But I didn't really mind. I don't think he did either. Based on all of the friends he has I don't think I'd even make up 1% of his memories. But based on the amount of friends I had, Anthony had taken up a good fraction of my memories.

I felt something splash on my head and I jolted up with sudden disturbance.

It was water. Yui was pouring a bucket of water on my head with a smile the devil would wear on her face.

"Y-Yui!" I screamed.

"What?!" She exclaimed. "I was scared cause you started smiling in your sleep! You might not notice but I do, whenever you're awake you look like a member from the walking dead!"

"Well thanks Captain Dip Shit now I gotta get new clothes."

"Not to worry, before I dumped water on you I got some of your clothes from your house and-"

"Wait... How the hell did you get into my house if I locked all the entrances?"

"You know that I always have information on everything. For instance I know that you keep a spare key under a spare flower pot by your door just like Tony did and- whoops... Sorry..."

"You dumbass." Angel said coming into the room and karate chopped Yui's head with her hand. "She doesn't need anymore reminders of T-"

"It's okay" I said interrupting their argument. "It's all okay, it all has to be okay now. Doesn't it? The only way we can pull forward is if we deal with it all and say it's okay." I smiled.

Another Chance (Sequel to: It's All Over Now)Where stories live. Discover now