Chapter 27: Broken Noses and Strained Hopes.

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Morrigan's P.O.V.

Mason and I stood over Tyler's unconscious body and thought out loud.

"So, what are we gonna do with him?" I asked Mason. "I'm pretty sure I broke some part of his face." I said sighing.

"Well I guess we will have to drag him to the hospital when he wakes up." Mason said giggling. "Just like old times, right Mori?" He smiled to himself.

I smiled at the floor and nodded in agreement. He was right. We always found ourselves going to the hospital somehow more than any other humans.

We weren't strong enough to lift Tyler up off of the floor so we let him lay there. Mason and I went to my kitchen and prepared pasta for lunch and as we ate in silence Mason said something I wouldn't even think of.

"Morrigan, do you think it would be alright if I stayed here with you?" He asked nervously. "I-I mean you can say no if you want to I just don't want to be trapped in my house and-"

"Yes yes you can." I said a bit too quickly trying not to cry like a baby. I missed living with my friends. There was no one here with me at my so called home. I'd love to have another friend to live with, and there was no better time than now.

"Really? You're sure?" He said standing up excitedly.

"Yes, yes I'm one hundred percent sure." I said laughing slightly at his excitement. "Just make sure it's alright with your parents first. I don't want to have another Tyler situation like we did today." Mason laughed and jumped around with happiness. I don't think I've ever seen him so happy in my life.

Just as we were celebrating with ice cream and juice of Mason being able to move in we heard a loud scream.

"MORRIGAN YOU BROKE MY NOSE HOLY HELL!'" Tyler screamed at the top of his lungs running into the kitchen to get an ice pack.

"Told you I broke some part of his face." I nudged Mason and laughed to myself.

"Well are you going to take me to the hospital? Or call an ambulance?" He said worrying holding a small ice pack to his face.

"Of course." I said grinning. "Once you apologize to breaking into my house and going crazy over Mason like a fangirl." I smirked.

"Okay, okay. Mason I'm so sorry. For barging in here and making you scared of me." He looked to me and I could tell he was embarrassed. "Morrigan I'm sorry for breaking your door and not staying outside when you told me to."

"Good job." I said and picked up the phone to dial the hospital.


Before I knew it we were in the hospital once again walking down the same hallway and saying hello to all the doctors and nurses because after all of the years here of course we knew all of their names.

"He will be fine, but from the scans we did, he will have to stay over night. He hit his head pretty hard and we want to make sure his skull is okay. How did this happen Morrigan?" Doctor Mili asked.

"Well..." I said laughing nervously. "It's quite the story..."

Mason's P.O.V.

While Morrigan told Doctor Mili the story I looked at Tyler and sighed. He's truly an idiot for even trying to find me. Of course I wouldn't want to talk to him. I had actually never wanted to see him again but yet here we were in the hospital looking after him like parents. In all the years we've spent being friends, I feel we have been better parents in the past years than our actual parents were. To think of it, Morrigan and I had a lot of things in common. I hadn't seen her parents the entire day and a half I had stayed over there. I couldn't even remember the last time I saw my parents. We both needed someone to protect us since we both had lost someone recently. For me it was Tyler, and for her it was her best friend. Actually he was each of our friends. But I knew that they were closer than any two other friends.

I looked over to Tyler. He opened his eyes to see me straight on. I looked away quickly and kept glancing out the window until he grabbed my arm.

"Please talk to me, Mason?" He asked quietly and calmly.

I didn't speak or move I just glanced at the cement floor.

"Why should I?" I said feeling a bit of sadness.

Tyler didn't say anything for a moment "Because... I want to set things straight between us."

"But there's nothing straight about us." I said laughing a bit to myself. Tyler giggled as well and looked me in the eyes.

"Mason I miss you." He said staring at me sadly. It hurt my heart to see him like that but what was I supposed to do? There was no way I could take him back. I was still so angry with him and sad for myself at the same time. Tyler sighed and touched my hand slightly until I pulled my hand away.

"Is there anything I can do? Anything I can do to make you forgive me?" He asked with his head in his hands.

I thought for what seemed like forever but then made a decision.

"You know what?" I said. "There's truly nothing you can do Tyler. I gave you the best of me and you destroyed it. I will not let you back into my life and most importantly back into my heart and tear it up all over again. Maybe one day we can be friends but for now we are nothing but strangers." I said holding a heavy feeling in my heart and walked out close to tears. He called my name but I didn't respond.

Because with Tyler is where I don't belong.

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