Chapter 4: Stress isn't fun

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Morrigan's P.O.V.
School orientation passed quickly and 2 days later school was going to start.

Man I am not ready.

Beep beep
Ugh what do you want now Tony...
Beep beep
What the fuck does beep beep mean seriously-
"W-what?!" I screamed with rage sitting upright in my bed.

I looked around. No one was there besides me and my beeping alarm clock. No Tony. No Angel. No Yui. Nobody.

I turned the beeping nightmare that normal people called alarm clocks off and rubbed my eyes.

"Oh... Right... It's the first day of Junior high... Angel goes to Arlimin Retra and the name of the school I go to just got changed this summer since there was an issue with the name last year that the students pointed out... What's the name... Oh Waterfall Glance!"

I glanced at my alarm clock. It was 7:04. Jumping out of bed I put on my white fluffy socks along with a grey t-shirt that had the band Nirvana printed across the middle and black denim shorts.

I walked to the bathroom and brushed my hair 7 times until the messed up curls went away, finally I brushed my teeth, grabbed my backpack and escaped out the front door with my white converse before my mom could tell me to eat breakfast or throw an apple at my head.

My bus number was 47. I waited for about 10 minutes until it showed up with a squeak loud enough to burst my ear drums.

I walked past rows of kids who looked older than ages 12-15. But you know what they say.

Girls be 14, looking 18, acting 21.

Guys be 21, looking 18, acting 14.

With the looks on the guys faces in my bus I wouldn't be surprised if they were 21.

I sat down in an empty seat then my iPod rang. I connected to the wifi in the school bus and opened the message.

From Anthony Zena.

Hi Mori. Ready for this year?

Hey Anthony, and I don't think any of us are.

True true. Everyone looks super old. I'm already at the school since I live so close to it.

Geez you should see the guys on my bus! They look older than some of the teachers we met at orientation.

Well that's just great, ain't it?

No! It's creepy! Think about that and try harder next time.

The second after I sent that message I thought of something and sent another before he could reply.

That's what she said.

Jesus you're dirty minded Mori.

It's not my fault I learned it all from you and your friends last year.

Oh right. Haha sorry I know I shouldn't ask this question but why did you hang around me and my friends all the time last year? Didn't you have friends that were girls?

I looked away from my iPod and looked at the floor. I didn't want to tell him the truth, yet I didn't want to lie to him. So I guess I should tell a truth and a bit of a lie.

Well I have 2 friends that are girls but, one is young so she was in a different grade then me, and the other one is older than me so we were never in the same grade.

I felt bad about lying. It was partly true that one was younger, Yui has always been the youngest. But Angel and I were the same age and in the same grade. We also went to the same school in 6th grade... It's just that we weren't friends again until that summer.

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