The Bad Boy Saw Me...

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I am really really really really sorry if this offends anyone! It's only meant to be humorous... Please find it in your hearts to forgive me if you have been offended. :/

I swear there are like at least 18 books on Wattpad with the title "The BadBoy Saw me Naked". I don't usually read books like that but I decided to check one out... Worst. Mistake. Of. My. Life.

"Umm... What should I wear, what should u wear?" 

I muttered under my breath. 

Slowly, I let my towl flutter to the ground and I stood in all my glory in the middle of my bedroom. I slolee beans down and searched through my drawers. Ugh, not one single piece if clothing in this piece of crap known as a drawer, 


"You know... That bod is pretty hot"


I looked at my screen again, was I dreaming? 


"This is why you don't keep your balcony wide open" 

I stared in horror at my balcony, the unknown person was right, it was open!leaning against some of the rails, a boy in a leatherjacket and combat boots stood. He smirked at me, still sating at my-

Uh oh! The Bad Boy Saw Me Naked! 

A pink tinge rose up my cheeks and I hurried to get my towel... Once I had wrapped myself, I stated yelling profanities at him.

And that, my friends, is how the boy saw me naked.

1. I don't think anyone would stand in their room, naked, while the balcony door/window was open.

2. How do you not notice that your balcony door is swinging wide open? 

3. Again with the combat boots and leather jacket bad boy stereotype. Goodness, he could be super preppy and be the "bad boy" 

4. Pink tinge... Must I say anymore?

5. If that was me i'd probably be waaay too embarrassed to face him after he saw me naked...

6. And it usually ends with "I'm glad I saw you naked that day, Jordania (whatshername)" 

7. How do you get onto a balcony/ledge thing in the first place? And isn't that breaking and entering? (Okay, so maybe not 'breaking' but definitely entering.)

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