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Q & A: 

From AllyKenshin1877: "What's the worst movie you ever watched?"

A: Hands down 10,000 BC- they marketed it as an epic film... but there was no real epic-ness to it unless you count the fact that it was an epic- FAIL.

From AllyKenshin1877: "Do you have a favorite anime?"

A: Can't say I have a favorite... I've watched many that I do like. 

From NeverCatchMe: "Who is your crush?"

A: Uhh...

From OliviaTheGreat2155: "Waffles or pie?"

A: This is evil, how dare you make me choose?

From packable: "Do you sleep with extra blankets or pillows?"

A: Pillows c:

From Dandirawr: "What's the weirdest thing you've heard someone say they don't like?"

A: My mother never did like chocolate.

From parrot1234: "How do you stay inspired when writing?"

A: I'll tell you this much- a rant book doesn't require much inspiration. However, there are certain ways that I make myself stay inspired- I will try to indulge in something else like drawing or just sit in nature and think (I know that sounds sappy, but it really does help.)


I once had a friend who would come up to me all the time and say "I'm so ugly."

Of course, I always responded with- "no, you're not."

Hold on, let me start from the beginning. I'll be describing a certain person here and the reason I know how they may feel/act is because I might have been one of these. We all have our moments when our self esteem just... hits rock bottom, I guess, and sometimes we might want assurance that we aren't the ugliest person out there or that our drawings don't completely suck. However, there are some people who act this way ALL. THE. DAMN. TIME.

Anyways, let's say this person is looking at themselves in the mirror and so are you. They look at you- perhaps staring at your face for longer then necessary and then-

"Omg! Granny, you're so pretty!" 

Of course, you might respond with a- "pshh! Me? Just look at yourself, you're so much prettier!"

And then another girl starts comparing herself to everyone else and it becomes a complete mess. 

Let me just say this- I hate when this happens. 

Then girl number one starts looking depressed and sad and you- possibly being a nice person ask what's wrong. 

She shakes her head and says nothing.

You look at her and try to figure out what's bothering her. 

She says nothing, does nothing. She wants you to figure out what's wrong. 

And then you say it- "Oh come on, it's not about the pretty thing? You're a beautiful person, girl number 1!"

I understand, some people just want the assurance- and yeah, I'll say it a few times- but then it turns into something that happens ever day and it's just like... ENOUGH! 

So you go up to her and she's like "I'm so freaking ugly!"

You then go and drag her up to like 10 million people and ask all of them if she's ugly- they all respond with a "NO!"

What else does she want?

Goodness gracious, you've already said it a million times- already told her that's she's so freaking pretty shes prettier than Emma Watson and Taylor Swift combined. 

These people really annoy me. I'm sorry. They do though. I understand if you need reassurance once or time but when it gets to the point of it happening every day for like five years-


You know what else really annoys me?

People who fake mental illness.

Do you know what it feels like to have OCD? Social Anxiety? Depression? No? I thought so. 

OCD is basically a cycle of vicious thought, anxiety, and compulsive behavior. Someone tell me what that feels like- and no, I don't mean the people on social media who are like "I'm so OCD!"

Because they're not OCD, not really. OCD doesn't mean trying to be neat all the time, it's so much more. 

If you don't know what someone is going through, please don't fake it. Please just don't. Studies also show that if you're faking something, it might be just a matter of time before you begin to think you really have those symptoms/that illness.


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