1 D A N D W E I R D F A N F I C S

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Type 'fan fictions' into the search bar. What do you see?

1D stole my girlfriend

1D adopted me

1D, my boss

I played truth or dare with 1D!

First of all, this is getting ridiculous. There needs to be a separate category/genre just for 1D fan fictions.

Second of all, what is this?

I already went over the whole adoption thing with you guys before, why would a boy band with boys that are all in their 20's adopt a 14 year old girl? That's just... weird. 

So uhh... 1D stole your girlfriend? GO AND FIGHT THEM! WHO CARES IF THEY'RE FAMOUS?

YAY! So now 1D owns a business?

Then you look a little deeper into the list and every other fan fiction is about Magcon (whatever the heck that is) and 5sos (why do I know about them?). Those two also need their own seperate genres, it's not even funny how many of those things there are.

A couple days ago, I was reading a book, and Harry Styles popped into it as a murderer.

When 1D or part of 1D goes to school with the main character. Like, no way. Why would a boy band go to some random public school? It doesn't make the least bit of sense. Plus, they never mention anything about recording studios or whatever singers/bands do.

Say 'aye' if you agree that fan fictions should be a bit more realistic. Not saying they have to be, there's always fantasy and stuff.

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