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Dear Readers,

I'm sorry, I know I've probably offended a lot of you. I realize that there are a lot of new authors on Wattpad who  haven't received proper criticism on their stories and/or haven't been pointed in the right direction. I also realize that there are a few people who enjoy writing cliche stories and truth be told; I have nothing against them. 

If you want to write cliche stories, go for it. I only meant for this book to be a book of humor; something that could possibly put a smile on a person who was having a bad day's face.  Again, I am extremely sorry for any discomfort I have caused you.

I'm not exactly sure why I wrote this book in the first place. Honestly, I think I might just stop right here. If there are any new authors seeking help, feel free to look in the clubs and/or ask me (or someone else) questions. 



And for those of you who are enjoying the book, thank you for reading. :D

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