Chapter I - Rin's POV

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I frown at the letter held in front of us.
"I think we should just ignore this." Luka insists, as she shrugs it off. "Wait, what does it say at the back?" Miku immediately drops the letter and backs away, looking astonished. "What? What is it?" Luka hurries over to the letter and picks it up, her beautiful long fingers reach out for the letters. I was envious of those gorgeous hands of hers. "They'll burn our kingdoms down?!" Luka was furious. She throws the letter at the messenger and he winces as the letter hits him. Luka storms out of the room, her long ruffled pink dress following her from behind. "I never liked the West kingdoms." Aria (IA) says softly. I nod. Why would they burn out kingdoms just because we didn't want to be slaves for them? Aria sighs and takes the pen from the messenger. "Did it hurt?" Aria gently strokes the part where the messenger was hurt and he stared at her in awe. "N-no, it doesn't hurt that much." He blushes and Aria gives him a small smile. What a friendly princess. "We don't have a choice, do we?" Aria takes the pen from him and signs her name on the letter. She holds them out for me and I take it, hesitantly. "What about Luka?" Miku asks, looking at the door Luka stormed out of. "She'll make up her mind soon enough." Aria says soothingly. Miku nods as I sign my name onto the letter. After Miku signs her name, we go back to our kingdoms to get our things packed for tomorrow.
The carriage stops and a servant holds out his hand and I take it as I walk down the steps, trying to be as graceful as I could so mother won't yell at me again. I'll be leaving anyways so it dosent matter anymore.

I enter my room after taking a flight of stairs and pull out a medium sized suitcase to put in my belongings. I pick out a few books and five Orange and yellow dresses. "Your highness, your father has something to tell you." My maid calls out from outside. "Yes, coming." I call back. I shut my suitcase after pushing in my belongings. I lift my long dress up a bit to ease my steps back down. "My dear Rin!" My mother walks over to me and gives me a big hug. "You're sixteen and going to be married soon!" I freeze. "M-married?" I gulp. She laughs. "Yes, yes! Your father and I have decided to choose a man for you to marry after you finish working at the West Kingdom." I frown. "Sorry mother, I don't want to be married too soon." She shakes her head. "Your father said your marriage would help bring up our kingdom. Your fiancée is the son of the East kingdom King." I look away slightly. "Yes mother."
The carriage is ready for me and I hop inside it making sure my suitcase is not going to fall out if I accidentally fall asleep during the ride. It's going to take thirteen hours to get there by carriage. "Your highness, we will be ready to go." I nod. "Yes," The carriage lunges forward and I manage to not fall off the carriage myself. "Sorry, your highness." I hate it when they say 'your highness' so many times. "No, it's okay."

After three hours of looking out at the night view, I slowly drift off to sleep...
When I wake up, the carriage has stopped and I look out the window. "Your highness, good morning." I look out at the sky. "It's night." I quickly slap my hand over my mouth. "Pardon me, good morning." I cough. The servants were resting in the woods and I sigh. This is going to take forever. I step out the carriage and breathe in the cool breeze. "Rin!" I jump a little as I see a white-haired girl in a long black and white dress run over to my direction. "IU!" I laugh. "I managed to catch your carriage." She says gasping for air, her voice still soft, being careful not to wake up my servants. "I'm going in that direction." She says smiling as she points to the direction from where she came from. "I think I need to go back now, see you in the kingdom maybe?" She says giving me a friendly smile. I nod. "Yeah, see you." I wave her off as she runs back. I head back to my carriage and yawn as my servants wake up from their slumber ready to go again.
The kingdom was large and the gates slowly opened as our carriage came into view. "Your highness, we will need to leave from here now. Please be safe. We will come by when the Kingdom sends us a letter." The carriage and servants leave. I pull my suitcase behind me, glad that I carried a small suitcase. I looked around and I have to say, I am very impressed with the buildings. The town people were happily humming soft tunes and giving me a quick glance while whispering within one and another, I look up at the castle towering over me. I walk towards the gates of the castle and their were guards standing in front of it. They took one glance at me and immediately pointed their swords at me. I lose my balance and fall backwards. "Who are you!" One shouts. I frown. "I'm the princess of the north Kingdom." He looks at me uncertainty and glances at the other guard who nodded his head. He grabbed my arm harshly and pushed me inside the gates. Rude. I scramble to my feet and walk inside the doors of the castle. "Miss? Are you Princess Rin?" I look to my left and there was a lady looking like her sixty's wearing a maid uniform. I give her a smile. "Yes,I am Princess Rin." She returns a smile. "Follow me then." I manage to keep up with her fast walking and we reach a large set of doors with two guards in front of it. "His highness is in there. He has been waiting for you." I nod and she bows and leaves. The guards open the door and when the doors open, I see a figure looking out the window. There was six guards in the hall and I look around at the interior design. The walls were painted white with gold decorative swirls painted on. When the figure turns to me, I have to admit he was quite handsome. He had blonde hair that was tied into a small ponytail and shined in the sunlight and gorgeous light blue eyes. He walked towards me and lifted my chin with his finger. His eyes stared into mine and dropped his hand. "I thought I said to send the prettiest one." He shrugged and I glare at his back. "What's your name?" He huffs. "Rin. Kagamine Rin." I shines his sword and ignores me. "Take Rin to her room." I frown. When did I let him use my name so informally? "Yes, your highness." A servant bows down to me and leads me up a flight of stairs and a few turns. He stops in front of a large door and opens the door for me. "This is your room, your highness." I nod at him as he leaves. I frown. I will need to get used to this life.
Hehehehehehehe....thanks for reading this far >.< Hope you enjoyed Rin's POV :0

Slave || Vocaloid Fanfiction Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora