Chapter 19 || Kaito x Miku (KAITO V3 x Hatsune Miku)

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KAITO WAS CLENCHING his teeth in pain. His arm hasn't stopped from bleeding and his face was becoming paler and paler as time ticked by. But Kaito didn't let his arm bother him. Meiko was taken away and he couldn't think straight - the pain was too much for him to bear.
Kaito's eyes drifted to his dark cloak and sword.
I must do this for Meiko...
With his last ounce of energy, Kaito pulled on the black cloak and heaved the door open, sprinting further and further away from the cottage. He could only think of one thing, and it was Meiko.
He's already lost someone before... he couldn't afford to lose another.
Miku and the servant were lost. There was no other road to take and the servant was baffled as he scanned the map and their surroundings constantly, and Miku sat inside the carriage, her chin rested on the palm of her hand. She let out a sigh. She was exhuasted and she only wanted to go home.

She stepped out the carriage and gazed at the blue sky above her. Grey clouds slowly engulfed the bright sky and she hugged her arms. It was getting chilly. Miku bent down to inspect a small daisy that bobbed along with the fragile wind. A grey rabbit came into view and caught Miku's attention. She was about to reach out to the rabbit but instead it hopped away.

Miku glanced at the distressed servant then at the bunny and decided she'd go with the bunny. Chasing after the bunny, the scenery around her changed from trees to more trees. Miku glanced upwards and found a small cottage. Glancing around nervously, she stepped inside the cottage. "Hello?"

"Is anyone home?" Miku shouted out. She was shaking and immeditaely regretted going after the small creature but what could she do? They were lost anyway.

Miku pushed open the wooden door and to her surprise, she found a blood trail. In the middle of the room occupied a worn table and to the right stood a bed with messy sheets.

Without thinking, she threw herself onto the bed. She was too tired to consider the dangers her actions could result in. Within minutes, she drifted off to sleep...


Kaito groaned in pain as he clutched onto his arm. He was struggling to see properly.

Suddenly, he heard a yell and a series of screams followed after. He jerked his head to the direction of the sound and began to run towards it. There, he saw Meiko tied to a tree and three looming figures around her. He hid behind a tree, aware of the state he was in and the risks of charging straight towards the enemies.

"Are you sure this will work?" One of the figures asked. He was the tallest one, with freckles sprinkled across the ridge of his nose.

"Of course, V3 would definitely come after this woman." The man that clutched a knife had stated. He was fat and held a menacing gaze.

"What if he doesn't come. He was injured after all." The third sighed, crossing his arms across his wide chest.

"He will come, I'm sure of it..." the man with the knife smirked.

"Let me go!" Meiko shrieked. Kaito felt something strike his heart.

"He won't come for me! Let me go!"

The tallest man grabbed her chin and jerked her face towards his. "You, can be quiet."

"Ignore her, she's just lying," the fattest one grumbled.

"She has a nice face..." the third man slurred. Meiko's eyes widened and threw her legs at the nearest man. 


Kaito grabbed his sword and darted towards the third man. He unsuccessfully dodged the surprise attack and was sliced through the chest. He screamed out in pain. The other two turned,surprised at first but soon showed a set of teeth. "Finally." The tallest one chuckled. "You've come for her."

Kaito panted and his arm trembled but he had never failed to show confidence. "Now..." he coughed, "Who's first?"

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