Chapter VI - Rin (Third POV)

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Rin had stepped on her partner's foot several times during her ballroom dancing practice which made her feel anxious and embarrassed at the same time. "I-I'm really sorry!" She apologized the hundredth time, bowing her head, from how low it already was. "Lift your chin up and straighten your shoulders." Said the teacher kindly, as his arm snaked to her back and his free hand to her's. "Start the music again please." He called out to the orchestra that had impatiently watched Rin struggle. Rin was still glad that Prince Len had kindly changed her old teacher and her new one was much nicer and patient with her clumsiness. "Please follow my lead, Rin-hime." (Rin-hime means Princess Rin in Japanese) He started to count out, One, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three....
Rin eventually got the hang of his rhythm and followed his steps smoothly but not for long, as she immediately regretted not paying her full attention as her foot stamped onto his ungracefully. "We should take a break," he smiled, as he let go of her wobbling hands. "I'm truly sorry, I-" he shook his head. "Don't sweat it, hime." Rin nodded her head, as her long hair fell to her eyes. "Your lessons for today are done." A maid called out, as the teacher turned to leave. "Next is your break, hime-sama." Rin quietly exits the ballroom after the maid and keep her head down low as Rin scurries through the hallway. "Rin-sama!" A voice called out from behind and when she turned, an arrow had crashed into the wall right in first of her eyes which made her stumble backwards, crashing to the floor. The voice was from a maid that had let out a scream which caused guards and servants to hurry over. "What had happened? Sakura-San?" A guard asked, his eyes scanned Rin who was helplessly on the floor still frightened from the sudden attack. "A-an arrow almost h-hit hime-sama, Hinata-San." She replied, pointing at Rin. No one had bothered to help her up so she eventually got up herself, as she attempted to walk, she realized that her ankle was twisted and the pain immediately brought her back down to the floor. "Hurry!" A guard called out, "Tell Gin-San!" Off went the maid and she disappeared into the long hallway, rushing to get to a room. "Please return to your room, Hime-sama." He said, turning to Rin. Rin, embarrassed, immediately got up, and tried to walk faster but instead, she tripped over her long dress that had drifted behind her fast feet. "What are you doing? Please go now, hime-sama." He barked, this surprised Rin and she quickly stuck a tongue out at him and hopped back to her room. Luckily it wasn't upstairs where a flight of stairs awaits her.

Rin climbed onto her bed and checked her ankle. It indeed, has been twisted, but she bet it'll be better in a few days. She sighed as she slapped herself mentally to how clumsy she was. The arrow had sure surprised her since she had never been attacked like that before but she didn't know it'll bring her this much of a scare. She slowly drifted off to sleep, as her eyes had hints of droplets of tears that had descended to her cheeks.

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