Chapter 17 || Yuuma x Aria (VY2 x IA)

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THE LETTER INFORMING on the marriages had finally arrived, and this was the day Princess Aria had always anticipated.

"Here, you open it," Prince Yuuma stated coldly, handing the letter to Aria.

Aria couldn't bring herself to smile, and instead she could feel her stomach doing somersaults. "T-thank you," she muttered.

Yuuma raised an eyebrow, "Why are you not excited?"

Aria's eyes flickered up to Yuuma. "S-sorry?" Yuuma sighed, but still gave the girl his patience. "Why are you not excited? I thought you really hated this arrangement."

"Yes, I'm really excited," she replied, but it almost sounded sarcastic. She wasn't excited at all, but she couldn't land a finger on as to why.

She ripped open the letter and scanned it quickly, and for some reason, she panicked when the words:

The marriage may be cancelled if both parties agree to do so

apeared. Aria's hands shook, and she couldn't bring herself to look at Yuuma. "T-they said that it can be cancelled." She said quietly.

"That's good, isn't it?" Yuuma replied codly. "What you had always wanted."

His words pierced through her like shards of ice. "No.." she whispered.

Yuuma turned to her. "Pardon?"

"No... not at all..." Her voice shook as she found the letter wet from her tears. "I-I don't know why I'm crying but... I don't want this at all." Yuuma's emerald eyes widened with surprisement but it was only for a moment as his attention was once again on his book. His eyes softened. "Then let's get married."

Aria's head snapped up in shock. "Pardon me?"

The edge of Yuuma's lips flicked upwards into a smirk. "You really have bad hearing, don't you?" He put down his book and made his way towards Aria.

"I said-"

"Okay, let's get married." Aria was grinning from cheek to cheek. Tears fell but Aria was sure that they were tears of joy. "Let's get married."

Yuuma stopped in his tracks and sighed, and was greeted by Aria's widened arms. She leapt into his embrace. Yuuma hesitated at first but his arms tightened around her slim back and he rested his chin into her soft, pale pink hair.

"I'm glad..." he whispered to himself.

Meanwhile, a tall, cloaked man was watching through the slightly open doors of the library and growled. "VY2... so you've been here this entire time..." He showed a set of sharp molars and chuckled. "I've finally found you..."

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