Chapter 7 || Kaito x Miku (KAITO V3 x Hatsune Miku)

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MIKU HAD SAT in silence as she awaited for the prince's arrival, which to her disappoint, he did not come.

She couldn't just cry there, especially when all the maids and servants had gathered. Especially where the King and Queen had sat, their fingers rubbing against their temple, frustrated.

"Find Kaito immediately!" The king had shouted, causing the servants and maids to shudder from the sudden outburst.

"Y-yes, your majesty!"

Off stumble a couple of servants that clumsily make their way out of the doors of the hall.

The king had sighed in annoyance while the queen had turned to the young princess who had sat silent the whole time.

"I am terribly sorry and ashamed of my son's misbehaviour. I shall apologise on his behalf, though I will request him to also bid you an apology." The queen's kind words soothed the girl and she smiled, nodding. "Yes! Thank you very much, your majesty." She chuckled before holding tightly onto Miku's shaking and cold hands. "Please rest assured, Prince Kaito will definitely be found and back in an instant."


The princess had gotten tired of waiting and decided to ask the queen for a rest and a maid had led her to the prince's room as she settled quietly onto the bed. She couldn't help but enjoy the smell of the prince's frail scent as she took a big sniff before covering herself with the blankets and falling asleep.

If the prince didn't come back, she wouldn't know what to do.

A silent creak was heard as the door had opened slightly, a man had entered as quietly as possible, his eyes searched in the dark until they landed onto a bump on his bed.

Curiously, he had yanked them back and there he had found a sound asleep girl, her body curled into a ball and her long, teal hair let out onto the pillow.

He was in shock and anger to realise how fast his parents had already let another person in his room from a day's absence.

"Who's there?"

The girl's voice had broken the prince's thoughts and he ducked below the bed as she slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes curiously.

"H-hello?" The princess's voice had quivered nervously as she had hopped off the bed and held tightly onto the bed frame, trying to guide herself over to the light in the darkness but only to stumble over her clothes that she had carelessly scattered across the floor.

She squealed out in surprisement, only to slam into the prince.

They had fell onto the ground with a large thud, causing the princess to nervously glance down at who it was.

A pair of gorgeous and alluring ocean blue eyes had stared back at her, his strong body had supported hers, as she quickly got up, blushing. Before she could call out for him, he had fled.

She found those eyes so familiar. They were too familiar.

A/N: This chapter's writing honestly disappointed me. I realised that i wasn't quite inspired for this pairing today. (I ship it though! Don't kill me ><). Anyways, if you're a fan of Detective Conan, aka. Case Closed, and Magic Kaito, aka. Kaito Kid, then please check out the new fan fiction i had written about Kaito and Aoko :3 You don't have to, but It would mean a lot to me if you did :'D

Working on the next chapters :) trying to keep a steady amount of chapters being published so please don't ask for me to update, especially after three days. (Please scold me if I don't update within a week or so xD) <-no, seriously.

I didn't even realize that I've got so many views and votes on this fanfic! I'm honestly really thankful for all your support and I will improve on my writing!

A small announcement ... I actually have published a book last year (consists of 200 or so pages) it's released on Amazon, Kindle. Please check it out and give me some support, though don't purchase it just yet, since the book will be soon to be released on Wattpad, under the account, @silverofficial The book's called 'Sïlver', and it's a trilogy. Book two's being written right now so by the end of the year or so it will be released on Wattpad aswell. Haha, sorry for the mini advertisement i did there xD


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