Chapter 20 || Gakupo x Luka (Gackpoid x Megurine Luka)

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LUKA QUIETLY SNUCK back to her room, still surprised by her encounter with the prince.

She frowned as she felt her heart pounding non-stop, his smirk deeply engraved in her memories. Quickly shaking the thought out of her head, Luka opened the doors to the balcony, where she could see the entire castle's backyard. The kingdom was humongous and Luka still didn't have the chance to visit every room in the castle. She was definitely going to take the opportunity to visit the castle tomorrow.

Luka let out a sigh. Her breath evaporated into the cold autumn air. She let her bright pink hair drift along with the gentle breeze, however, her peace was interrupted when she heard a creak at the door. She whirled to find Gakupo leaning against the door frame.

"What brings you here?" Luka narrowed her eyes. "I don't think I heard you knock."

The purple-haired prince chuckled and took a step backwards before knocking twice at the door. "May I come in now?"

Luka quickly averted her attention back to the night sky, hiding a soft blush under the bright moonlight.

"You may."

"I brought you some food," he said. He let a plate of steak and vegetables on her bedside table. "You must be hungry."

Luka ignored him, leaning against the balcony and looking down at the serene garden.

"You're so stubborn," he sighed before walking over to her. "Are you still angry about being betrothed to me?"

The pink-haired princess tightened her fists. "Yes! How could I not be? Why did father make me marry such a... a..."

Gakupo couldn't help a small smirk that tugged at his lips. "A...?"

"A jerk!"

Gakupo let out a loud laugh, and to Luka's surprise, it was a genuine smile. His white teeth gleamed against the moonlight and his eyes glistened as he watched the princess cross her arms in embarrassment. "What's so funny?" She demanded.

Gakupo turned to the door, but before leaving, he gave her a soft, yet sad smile.

"Good night, Luka. "


Luka awoke to the loud sound of thunder. The rain smashed against the windows and she jerked upwards. Surprised by the sudden change of weather. She was sure she saw stars last night.

She rubbed her eyes, tired yet excited to wander around the palace today. However, the weather wasn't as enthusiastic. Luka slipped on a salmon pink gown, letting her hair drop below her shoulders. Before she could exit her room, a maid rushed to her side, bowing deeply.

"I'm so sorry, your highness! I didn't realise you were awake now."

Luka shook her head, "It's alright, please just call me Luka."

The maid gave her a nervous smile. "Yes, princess Luka. Please follow me to the ballroom, Prince Gakupo is attending to his breakfast right now."

Luka nodded and followed behind the petite maid, watching her short brunette hair bounce up and down as she scurried along the hallway. Luka took a glance outside the window and sighed.

"What's the matter, Princess Luka?"

"Oh, I just wanted to take a look around the kingdom today. Seems like the weather has other plans for me."

"Please don't feel down, Princess. The Prince has decided to take his carriage down town today, perhaps you could join him."

Luka was delighted with the idea of finally leaving the castle, but felt reluctant to go with the prince.

"Did you eat last night, Princess Luka? You must be terribly hungry! The cook let the castle early last night so there was no one to provide you any meals."

Luka paused. Then who made the delicious meal for her last night? It can't be... Gakupo? Luka felt heat rush up to her cheeks. She slapped herself quickly, realising how red she turned at the thought of the Prince.

"Princess Luka, we have arrived."The maid opened the wide doors to the ballroom and bowed.

Luka felt a little bit excited to see the Prince, but she immediately felt her heart shatter when she saw a woman resting on Gakupo's lap. The prince paid little attention to her as he continued feasting, whilst making small talk with the unknown woman.

Luka couldn't stand it anymore. She stormed out the room. The maid's shouts behind her were inaudible, as all she could think of was why oh why did I feel attracted to such a horrible person?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2018 ⏰

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