Chapter 5 || Yuuma x Aria (VY2 x IA)

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BEFORE THE YOUNG princess had known, she had stepped foot into the gigantic palace of the Western kingdom.

"This way, my lady." The princess had nervously took the hand of the butler who gently held her hand in his, giving her a kind smile before proceeding to the doors of the main hall.

"You are welcome to squeal if he pleases your eyes. My highness is definitely a looker," the butler laughed, causing the princess to laugh along with him, forgetting the nervousness and sweat that had crowded in her palms.

The doors opened and Aria had gulped nervously, afraid that the prince would be either old, terrifying or reckless.

To her surprise and for some reason; relief, the throne was empty.

"I apologise, the prince must be currently in his bath as he prefers to take them in the mornings." The butler had immediately bowed down in sorrow and despair as he had felt guilty with not being able to control the prince's usual selfish desires though he is still young. "Oh no, it's fine." The princess had quickly re-worded her sentence before the butler could reply. "Oh no, please do not be upset over such things. It is fine." The butler chuckled before earning a gentle smile from the princess herself.

"If you may wait here, my highness. The prince will be here any minute. I apologise for such an informal and late meeting." With that, the butler had left the princess in a large bedroom with a bed placed in the middle of the room and very few furniture had crowded the massive room. The princess had felt enchanted and surprised with such sizing of the rooms, as it was almost as big as her castle's hall.

The door had creaked open and when the princess had turned, expecting the butler, instead, a young man had stared back at her curiously, pausing as he watched her with confusion.

His pink hair seemed so soft that Aria had the desire to stroke it. Drips of water had fell from the tips of his hair and neck. The only clothing he had on was his pants as the princess had realised that it was the prince who had returned from his bath and the one she was being married off to. She couldn't help but stare at his appearance; not only did he have such an attractive and handsome face, his physical appearance seemed strong and healthy, as she could see abs formed above his stomach. She blushed and immediately looked away as he entered, sighing in annoyance.

She coughed nervously before raising her voice, "I-I'm princess Aria o-of the-" only to be cut off by the prince. "Who allowed  you to enter my room?" he asked, sitting down at the edge of his bed, wrapping a long, thin towel around his neck as he wiped himself down.

"T-the butler did..." she mumbled, trying to pull her determined and greedy eyes away from the bare skin that had sparkled in front of her. The temptation.

"Alright, listen up." The princess this time had only seriously looked him in the eyes, only to realize how cold and frightening they were. "The rejection letter that I had wanted to send to your kingdom didn't get to your kingdom in time so it's a mistake." The princess had froze, not sure why she had been so eager to get married off for a second there. She shook her head, trying to shake the inappropriate thoughts out of her head. "Yes, I understand. I had also attempted to persuade my parents about this marriage but they would not listen. Please help me to change their mind." Aria had bowed before exiting the room and hurried down the stairs, greeted by maids that had bundles of clothing in their arms. They gasped silently as they watched the young woman race down the stairs with tears at the edge of her eyes.

She knew she didn't belong here. She was sure that she didn't belong anywhere at all.

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