Chapter 2 || Len x Rin (Kagamine Len x Kagamine Rin)

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THE SMALL AND delicate fifteen year-old girl had gracefully let her long, yellow dress follow behind her as she danced in the halls of her small castle.

Her smile had completely allured her parents' attention as she had pranced around the hall, bowing as her performance was soon to be finished.

"How was I, father?" she grinned, receiving a kind smile from his father he had replied, "I am sure that Prince Len would be incredibly enticed by your dance." The girl just answered with another playful grin as she left the hall to her room.

Sighing, as she shut the door behind her, she had fell to her feet, burying her face into her knees as she quietly sobbed.

She hated dancing, she hated the thought of being married off to an unknown man to live with for the rest of her life.

She didn't have a choice nor a say about his as she just nodded obediently at her parents' news.

She hated it.


The charming, young prince of the Southern kingdom had flickered through the papers placed in front of him, reading them slowly and carefully before signing his name below.

"Next." He ordered, receiving a look from his servant.

"What's the matter? Speak up if you wish to."

"The highness herself had ordered me to tell you that your marriage will be with Princess Rin from the neighbouring kingdom."

The blonde boy nodded, "I have heard of it. Anything else?"

"Young prince, you have already done all of your week's work in one night, are you sure you wish to proceed? You have not slept in ages."

"Next," was all the prince had ordered.

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