Chapter 13 || Yuuma x Aria (VY2 x IA)

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PRINCESS ARIA had stared nervously across the lounge to find Prince Yuuma seated silently on the sofa across from her and had occupied himself with a book. Aria nervously watched as she glanced warily over at his face. They held a cold stare as his eyes flickered across the page.

She coughed, but the sound did not escape from her mouth as Yuuma paused before proceeding to turn a page. He raised and eyebrow at the girl as she panicked, worried that she had disturbed his peace by trying to get his attention.


The princess had almost jumped out of her skin as she heard his husky voice echo through the room, his voice repetitively bounced off the expensive walls and back into her ears.

His emerald, jade eyes were now staring at Aria. She couldn't help but squirm into the cushion behind her nervously as she readied herself to speak.

"I-I was wondering if you've contacted my kingdom about both our disagreements to the arranged marriage."

"I have."

"S-so, what did they have to say?"

"I didn't say they've replied."


The room broke down in silence once again as Yuuma's gaze dropped back down to the book and Aria's gaze back down to her lap.

Before she could die from boredom, a knock from a maid had saved her.

"Your highness, it is time for your training."


"Training for combat."

It was almost as if he could read her thoughts.

"H-how did you know..."

"I can read you like a book," he replied, closing his book with a hand as he ascended from his seat.

"I'm not that transparent!" Aria protested but only to quickly cut herself off awkwardly after her rude outburst.

To her surprise, the right side of his lip had lifted a little as he let out a small 'mph' in amusement.

She could feel her face burn as she hid her face between her shoulders.

"Does Aria have anything else this afternoon?"

"Aria-Sama does not."

"You can tag along but just don't get in the way." Aria perked up at the words and immediately followed behind the prince. She was now in a bright mood as she followed behind the prince but she'd realised how fast his steps were. She tugged at her long, white dress attempting to quicken her speed but it only caused her to stumble over herself.

The two had eventually stopped at the palace's stable and Aria took this chance to take a break, panting as she leaned against the door frame to catch her breath. She was literally running behind the prince to catch up.

"Do you know how to ride?"

Yuuma had threw a saddle over a jet black horse that neighed in response as he jumped onto the horse, tugging at the reins as he guided the horse over to the startled princess.

He looked down at her as she gazed back up at the black thoroughbred stallion whom impatiently stamped at the ground, shaking its head, allowing its black mane to flow along.

"I-I don't know how to-"

She was cut off with a sigh from the prince as he grabbed onto her hand and pulled her onto the horse. She could feel her face heat up in embarrassment as she could feel his hands brush her waist as he reached to handle the reins.

She could feel his breath against her neck, "Hold on tight."

A/N: This chapter was more of a 'why not develop their romantic relationship even further' kinda thing so please excuse the cliché and cheesiness of this chapter. ;) Thanks for 2.1k reads and over one hundred votes :D I'll try update more in the future. Thank you for being patient.

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