Chapter 3

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*****Ok, I will update in a few days with another 3 chapters.  If I post all the chapters at once it might be a while before I post again since the chapter I'm editing now seems never*****


Kate and I survived out first official week of school. Which only means one thing. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! Today is my 15th birthday. Bad thing about tonight though, Kate and Jose talked me into going to the teen night. They also have insisted on picking out the outfit I'm going to wear. Ugh, I sigh. I really hate getting all dressed up.

You should have seen the heels Kate showed me that I'm going to wear. I swear they are taller than I am. Because I didn't want to start an argument with Kate I kept my mouth shut on how slutty the heels looked.

It only took me a few minutes to get ready for school this morning. I'm not even looking forward to going to school today either. All week I haven't seen the sights of Christian Grey. The last time I had seen him was last week Friday after school. He was getting into a car with some old woman who looked like she had been under the knife too many times to count. Her lips looked like they had more Botox in them then that one woman from desperate housewives of New York. Just as he was getting into the car he saw me.

I kind of gave him this puzzling look as to why he wasn't driving his car home. I don't let little things like this bother me I have learnt to deal with these type of things by simply just listening to my music. It's not like he's my boyfriend of anything. So why should I care?

Coming down the stairs from my bedroom I found my dad in the kitchen fixing me my yearly birthday breakfast. Eggs, bacon, and a side of pancakes. It's the same thing he makes every day for me. Only thing that's different is that on my birthday he puts a mountain of whipped cream on, along with sprinkles. Just to make it seem extra special for me.

"Good morning my birthday girl" Dad says to me. He has a beaming smile on his face. I hop onto the kitchen counter and kissed his cheek.

"Morning Daddy"

"So, who's ready to open their birthday gifts?" Every year my father always tries to outdo himself from what he got me last year. Last year he got me the IPod.

"Yes!" I squeal. "I'm ready. Let me have it" My voice sounding playful.

"Ok close your eyes Annie" I close my eyes. I feel my dad place a rectangle size box in my hand.

"Ok open them" I open my eyes only to see that the box is gifted wrapped.

"Dad really? You made me close my eyes just so you could hand me a present that is gift wrapped?" I giggle.

"Just open it Annie. Trust me, you'll like it" I start to take the wrapping paper off the box. As I do I start to see a picture on the box? OH MY GOD. OH MY FUCKING GOD. You have got to be kidding me! My dad got me a cell phone. Not just any cell phone the new IPhone 5s. Since I was 13 I have been asking him for a cell phone. Of course he would always tell me I was too young and that I had to wait until I was older.

It wasn't until over this past summer when I was at Kate's house. There was a power outage. All the landlines were down and my dad had no way of getting ahold of me to see if I was ok. He drove all the over to her house just to make sure we were all alright.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Daddy! I love it. How did you know I wanted a cell phone?" I smirked. My dad wrapped his arms around me and started to laugh.

"Are you happy Annie?"

"Dad, words can't even express how happy I am right now," I tell him. I hug him back.

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