Chapter 21

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***So when I started to edit this chapter it had 4,000+ works, now I think it's like 2,  Don't forget to vote***


It's been a week since that night on Christian's boat where he asked me to marry him. Two days after his proposal Christian hired a moving crew to get all my things from Kate's garage and brought it over to his penthouse. Everything feels so weird, but yet feels so right.

I've spent most of the day today unpacking and tossing out things I no longer need. Gail has been wonderful. She is like a gift from the heavens. Last night I don't know how we did it but she and I ended up a little tipsy while fixing up an office for myself in the library that Christian insisted that I have.

We hung up old photos, and rearranged the furniture. Of course my office is nowhere near as amazing as Christian's, but I don't need all the fancy things he has. I like simple. Always had.

Around five I received a text from Christian letting me know that his business meeting is running late, and that he should be home no later than six.

I go into the kitchen to start preparing dinner, but Gail has beaten me to it. I'm not sure if I'll ever get used to this.

"Good evening Ana" She smiles her sweet motherly smile at me.

"Evening Gail"

"I see that you're cooking dinner already. Is there anything I can do to help?" I ask.

"I'm sorry Ana. I pretty much have everything under control. Would you like for me to get you something to drink?"

"Yes, but just some water. After all the wine we drank yesterday I think I need to give my liver a rest" Both Gail and I begin to laugh. While lightly laughing Gail grabs a glass from the cupboard and pours me my glass of water. Handing it to me, Gail continues to busy herself with cooking dinner.

"Have you and Mr. Grey started to plan for the wedding?" She looks over her shoulder at me.

"Not really. Right now the farthest we have gotten is that it'll be sometime next month. We still haven't told his family yet. We're waiting until this Sunday to tell them"

"I'm sure they'll be over the moon. Not to mention Miss Grey would kill to plan your wedding"

"I think your right" Mia would kill to do it. That's why I'm asking her to lend a hand.

"I'm also positive that Mrs. Grey and your mother will also lend a hand" Hearing Gail mentioning my mother makes my heart sink into my stomach. I've missed my mother so much. She was my rock as a young girl.

"My mother passed away when I was younger" I whisper, and let a few tears fall.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry" She quickly turns off the stove and rushes over to me. She wraps her arms around. "I didn't know"

"I know. I miss her so much," I cry into her shoulder.

"It's ok. Let it out" She pats my back. I cry for a good five minutes before Gail asks if I'm alright now. I nod my head and she says,

"Why don't you go and take a shower. I'm sure by the time you're finished, dinner will be ready and Mr. Grey will be home" I give her a weak smile and nod. She pulls me in for one last hug, and gentle kisses me on the forehead. I've only known Gail for a short period of time, but she reminds me a lot of my mother with her actions, and for that I'm grateful.

Taking my clothes off in the bathroom I look at myself in the mirror. My eyes are red and puffy, and my nose is a little runny.

The shower is feels nice. The water runs down my head to my toes, helping me remove the emptiness that I was feeling just moments ago in the kitchen. Grabbing the bottle of shampoo I squeeze some into the balm of my hands and begin to wash my hair. As the tips of my fingers work their magic in my hair I feel a pair of hand snake around my waist. I scream and turn around. It's Christian.

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