Chapter 9

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CPOV (In the morning)

Where am I? Why can't I open my eyes? Why can't I move my arms or legs? What the hell is that freaking beeping I keep hearing it is so annoying? I hear Ana, she's talking to me. I can't make out everything she is saying. I think she is telling me to wake up. I try to open my eyes but nothing seems to be working.

Wait now I hear Elliot. I hear him telling Ana they have to leave before they get in trouble. In trouble for what? Where am I and why can't I wake up? My hand is heavy. Is someone holding it? Who?

The bed shifts. I smell something. It smells of apples and vanilla. It's Ana. ANA! Wait, why can't I talk? Oh god what is going on? Please let me open my eyes. Please let me look at her. I want to see her face. I want to see her beautiful face. I want to see her beautiful blue eyes. Wait, Ana is saying something. She's whispering something. I can barely hear her. She always what? Oh please, what did she say? What did she say that she will always? FUCK! I feel her warm lips on me. She kissed me. GOD, WAKE ME UP NOW. I WANT TO KISS HER BACK. Why won't my lips move? I feel this darkness coming over me I feel so weak everything goes quite.

(Later when Grace and Ana come back)

I hear a door opening. I hear light footsteps walking towards me. The bed shifts under me. Someone is sitting down on the bed. My hand. I feel someone pick up my hand.

"Christian can you hear me?" It's Ana. "If you can squeeze my hand" I try. I'm trying so hard to squeeze her hand but it's not working. Am I in my room? Is this a dream? Why can't I do anything?

"I missed you today Christian. I missed you so much" I miss you too Ana. Why can't I wake up? What happened to me? Think Christian think.

The last thing I remember was being at Elena's house. In her playroom in the basement. Oh fuck is she the reason I can't open my eyes or move. Wait it's all coming back to me. I remember. Elena told me I was being punished. Punished for calling out Ana's name while Elena and I we're fucking. Shit, did I call out Ana's name? Fuck I remember. She caned me. Hard, real hard.

"Good evening Mrs. Lincoln it's nice to see you again" I hear Ana say. Oh no. Did she come back to finish what she started?

"Please Anastasia, call me Elena" My heart feels like it is beating out of my chest. What's going on? Ana's screaming. She sounds scared about something. She's close to me. I can feel her right near my head. "No Christian, please don't die. I need you. I love you" Die? What does she mean die? WAIT! She said she loves me. She loves me.

I love you too. God I love you. I think I've loved you since the first time I saw you. My heart doesn't feel like it is coming out of my chest anymore. I hear more talking. It's my mom. My angel. She saved me.

I feel a hand on me again, but it's not Ana's. It's Elena. My heartbeat is picking up again. I think this is it. Wait, I feel someone's hand it my hair. It's soft it feels good. I can smell apples and vanilla again. It has to be Ana. She runs her fingers through my hair. My mom is saying something to her. I try to listen. "I think he knows you're here Ana" Yes I know she is there I can smell her too. Please mom, wake me up. Do something. I want to see her. I need to see her. I want to tell her that I'm in love with her.

APOV (2 months later)

May. I can't believe its may already. The time sure has flown by. I guess that happens when you keep yourself busy.

Christian still hasn't woken up yet. Although he has been showing signs of improvement. All his bruises are gone. He only has a few minor scars on his chest. Grace told me that those scars are from when he was little. She didn't get into too much details about it though.

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