Chapter 15

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*Ok last chapter.  And don't worry there will be a HEA*

APOV – 6 years later

It's Saturday morning and I'm doing what I always do on Saturday morning. Sitting at my small kitchen table enjoying a cup of tea and my English muffin.

My phone started buzzing from across the table. I leaned over and reached for it. I didn't recognize the number. I was going to let it go to voicemail but something in my gut told me to answer it.


"Is this Anastasia Steele?"

"Yes speaking?"

"This is Dr. Edwards from Seattle Gate hospital"

"Ok?" I say confused. Why would someone be calling me from there?

"Ms. Steele I'm sorry to be the one to call you this early in the morning, but we have a patient here by the name of Raymond Steele. Your listed as his emergency contact" Oh my god no! The phone drops from my hand and falls to the floor. Dad!

"Ms. Steele are you there? Hello?" I hear the doctor call out to me. I look down at my phone on the floor. Tears are already falling from my eyes. I pick my phone back up and hold to my ear and with a shaky voice I say, "Yes"

"Your father is stable at the moment, but we will need to take him into surgery very soon. How soon can you come down to the hospital?"

"I live it Portland, it'll take me about 2 hours"

"That's fine. We'll hold off for as long as we can, but if your father's condition changes we'll need to get him into the OR as soon as possible"

"I understand. I'll be there as soon as I can"

"See you soon Ms. Steele"

I hung up the phone quickly I didn't have time to say goodbye. I run into my bedroom grabbing my overnight bag and throw anything and everything inside and zipped it shut. Running back into my kitchen I grabbed my keys and phone and ran out the door like a bat out of hell to my car.

I threw the overnight bag in the backseat and got in the driver's seat. I put the key in the ignition and listened to my car come to life.

I tried my hardest to do the speed limit but when you father is injured in a hospital you tend to disobey the rules of the road.

I'm an hour outside of Seattle and I need to start making phone calls. First person I called was Kate.

"Hey Ana, what's up? Why are you calling so early in the morning?"

"I'm on my way to Seattle. If I don't get pulled over I should be there in less than an hour"

"Ana, you never come to Seattle. What's wrong?" Kate's voice went from being happy to concern.

"Kate it's my dad. A doctor from Seattle gates called me this morning. I don't know all the details"

"Say no more. I'll head to the hospital now and wait for you. If I hear anything in the mean time I'll call you"

"Thanks Kate. See you soon" I end the call. I miss Kate so much. Even though we talk every day I still miss her like crazy. Once a month she comes to Portland for a weekend. We sit and talk, paint each other's nails, do each other's hair, and on the rear occasion go out drinking.

I could see the space needle in the distance. It won't be long now before I reach the hospital.

30 minutes later I've made it to the hospital with no speeding tickets. I hand my keys over to the valet and throw him a $20.

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