Chapter 8

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Still APOV.

In the elevator Kate clutches onto my right hand while Elliot takes my left. They both know how I feel about Christian. I have never kept it a secret from them. I only asked that they would keep it to themselves.

The elevator doors open. The smell is the first thing that hits me. It reminded me of the time when my mother was in the hospital because of her stroke. A small flash back races into my head of the time I walked down the long white hallway looking in every room in search of her. When I finally found her room I walked in to see her laying in her bed with wires and tubes surrounding her. Thanks to Kate she brings me back to reality with a simple squeeze to my hand.

The ICU is small. It's not like your normal floor where there are over 30 rooms with two patients to a room.

Elliot stops at the nurse's station and informs them that him and his sister is here and would like to see their brother. The nurse looks over at me then back at him. Elliot whispers something to her. She looks at me again giving me a weak smile. A few more whispers were shared between the two of them before she pointed to which door was room 3.

My heart sinks to my feet when Elliot tells me to go in. My feet feel as if they are glued to the floor. I close my eyes and take a couple of deep breaths. Opening my eyes I walk into the room. My legs feel like Jell-O as I look at Christian. Wires are hooked up all over him, a breathing tube is down his throat helping him breath. Any piece of skin that is showing is covered in bruises. Much worse than I have ever seen before.

Tears pooling in my eyes making it difficult for me to see. I feel Elliot's hand on my shoulder. "We don't have much time Ana. Ten minutes tops then we have to leave" I nod my head yes. I walk over to the chair that is sitting next to Christian's bedside. Elliot takes Kate hand and walks out of the room.

I sit and stare at Christian face. It's the only thing on his body that isn't bruised. I badly wish that he would open his eyes. I want to see his beautiful gray eyes. His gray eyes that I'm so deeply in love with. His gray eyes that light up whenever I say something that is so stupid it makes him laugh.

I remember the time I visited my mother. The one doctor told me that even though my mother was in the state she was in she could still hear me if I tried talking to her. I wonder if it's the same thing for people in a coma.

I take hold of his hand and place my in it. I lightly stroke my thumb over his knuckles and begin to talk to him.

"Christian, I don't know if you can really hear me. It's Ana Christian" Nothing. The door to Christian's room opens and a nurse walks in.

"What's going on in here?"

"Nothing why?"

"The monitors showed there was a slight spike of brain activity" She checks the wires to make sure nothing has been disconnected then asks, "Can I ask what you did?"

"I just held his hand and started talking to him. Was that wrong. Did I do something wrong? Was I not supposed to touch him?"

"No that's fine. Even though you may think he can't hear you some doctors believe that they can" She smiles. She checks over his chart quickly and places it back in its holder. She walks out the room.

There's a light tap on the door before it opens. Elliot. "Ana I'm sorry but we need to leave now. We'll come back after school" I nod at Elliot. He closes the door. I stand from the sit and lean forward enough so that my lips gentle brush against Christian's ear.

"I love you Christian Grey" I lift my head hoping to see him opening his eyes. Nothing. I bring his hand that I'm still holding to my lips and kiss the inside of his hand. After kissing his hand I place it on my cheek. I just need to feel his touch.

Fifty Shades of best friends and lost loveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt