Chapter 7

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Mia pulls Ana onto the dance floor and the two of them start dancing. The music is loud and somewhat annoying. I can hardly make out what the singer is saying it's that loud.

I look around the club and notice a sign above the bar that says, Welcome to Teen Night in big bold letters. And in small print it says, if you're not 21 don't even ask.

There's an empty seat at the bar and I take it. I ask the bartender for a coke. He lightly taps his hands on the bar and smiles. He grabs a glass from behind the bar filling it with ice. Next he takes the soda gun filling the glass with the cola. He places it in front of me and walks away.

Within the course of the 2 hours that we have been here Mia has been trying to hook Ana up with some random kids from school. One by one Ana would smile, shake their hands, and dance with them. After they finished dancing she would thank them and give them a hug.

In all honesty it was pissing me off. Watching these guys put their hands all over her and her being ok with it. Another hour goes by. A blonde boy walks up to Ana while she is sitting with my sister at a booth at the far back of the club.

What I can see from where I'm sitting is that he asked her to dance. She smiles at him and takes his hand. They walk to the middle of the dance floor, and as if it was planned the lights go low and a slow song comes on.

Ana wraps her arms around his neck while he places his hands on the small of her back. Ana rested her head on his chest with her face looking out into the crowd. Her eyes locked onto mine. The whole time she danced with him she stared at me. There was this pain in my chest watching her with him. But why? Because you want to be him. You want her in your arms, holding her to your chest like he is. I can't take this anymore. I need to get out of here.

Just before I stepped out of the club I heard someone scream. I turned around to see who it was. It was Mia. She was yelling at the boy who was dancing with Ana. My feet jumped into action and I ran over to Mia.

Where's Ana? I don't see her anywhere. I grabbed Mia and pushed her behind me to protect her. I didn't know what is going on right now. All I know is that my sister continues to scream at this kid and Ana is nowhere in sight.

"Mia, shut up" I screamed looking at her. "Where's Ana?" Mia pointed to the corner of the room. I looked to where she pointed and saw Ana curled up with her knees to her chest and her hands covering her face as she cries.

I rush to Ana's side. Slowly I pulled her hands away from her face. I was going to ask her what happened but that's when I see it. The whole side of her face is beat red with a raised handprint. He slapped her. He fucking slapped her.

I looked back at my sister. She started yelling again at this kid. I watched as his hand balled up in to a fist getting ready to strike my sister. Oh no you don't fucker. As much as I didn't want to leave Ana's side I got up and ran over to Mia pushing her out of the way. I caught his hand mid-air. Not even thinking my free hand decks him right in the jaw causing him to fall to the floor.

"That's for almost hitting my sister," I screamed while hovering over him. I grab him by the collar of his shirt lifting him just enough and punched him again. Harder this time. "That. That's for Ana you fucking Ass Hole" I let go of his collar and he dropped to the floor.

I rush back over to Ana picking her off the floor. I carried her in my arms. Mia followed behind. When we were all outside I asked Mia to take Ana's shoes off. I know her feet much be killing her by now. I lowered myself to the ground. Ana still in my arms.

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