Chapter 13

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Small CPOV

My father leaves the kitchen and I stand here completely stunned. All my thoughts rush to Ana. I need to know what Elena said to her. I'm torn right now. I don't know what to do. I want to tell her so badly. I want to be able to open up to her and tell her everything. I'm so afraid to do it thought because I'm worried what she'll think of me.

All of this is killing me slowly on the inside. I love her so much, and I know I haven't been the best boyfriend lately and that's all because of me. I'm going to make it up to her I swear to it. She's the love of my life.

The sounds of a car door closing alerts me that my mother is back. I run out the house to my mother and Ana. When I get to my mother's car I only see my mom and not Ana.

"Mom where's Ana?"

"I dropped her off at Kate's"

"Shit!" I run my hand through my hair. "I need to tell her. I need to tell her about me and Elena. I might end up losing her but I need to tell her"

"Christian let me explain something to you. We always hurt the ones we love. We might not mean to do it but it happens. Ana loves you. I think you might be surprised that she might be able to look passed it"

"I hope so" I let out a heavy sigh. Walking back into the house I go to my bedroom and send a text to Ana. I need to talk to her. I need to be with her and hold her in my arms.



*My mom told me what happened, are you ok?

*Yeah I'm fine; just a little shaken, I don't know what I did to piss that troll off

*You didn't do anything. Can I come over?

*Yeah sure. I'm at Kates. She said to bring Elliot with you.

*On our way

Small KPOV after Grace drops them off at Kate's house

Today at the mall was freaking weird. I couldn't hear what was being said between Grace and that evil woman, but I have a feeling that it wasn't good. Then she started saying something Ana. The look on her face showed me that she threatened her with something. Then all that finger pointing bullshit.

"What the hell was that today?" I ask Ana.

"I have no clue. They were arguing about something then she said everything is my fault"


"Yeah that's what I was thinking too, I think this lady is off her rocker if you ask me"

Ana's phone went off. I have no doubt that it's Christian.

"Christian asked if he could come over, is that ok with you?"

"Yeah, tell him to bring Elliot with him" I watch as she texted him back and about 10 seconds later she looked at me and says,

"They are on their way" She smiles weakly.


Kate and I are sitting on her front porch waiting for the guys to show up. I look over at Kate and see that she is in deep thought about something. I'm sure she is thinking about Elliot and what she plans on doing with him once he gets here. I admire her. She's been my best friend for most of my life. I have no clue what I would do without her.

Kate has thought me so much, more than I wanted to know too. Because of her I passed with flying colors in Sex-Ed. This girl can go on and on when it comes to sex and how to please a man. As much as I don't want to know about her sex life I always find myself listening. There have been times late at night where I find myself dreaming about Christian and I having sex.

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