Chapter 23

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***Finally!  I can't tell you ladies how many times I tried to sign on to wattpad on my laptop and it wouldn't let me log in.  I was getting pissed.  Anyways I finally got on and here I am.  So I managed to edit this chapter sooner than I had expected.  OMG yesterday at my cousins wedding, she had fucking FIREWORKS!!! Fucking fireworks!  Can you believe that.  I was like holy shit.  So now i'm working on an idea of having Christian and Ana having fireworks at their***

CPOV (The next day)

Most of the morning and well into the afternoon Ana and I lounged around the house. Though every so often I would sneak away to my office to get a little work done. This is truly the perfect life. Soon Ana will be my wife, and hopefully soon after that, she'll be pregnant.

Sneaking back into the living room, Ana is nowhere to be seen. I go to the library and check if she might have went in there, but she isn't. Panic starts to set in and I start running throughout the penthouse screaming out her name.

Thankfully when I run into our bedroom I hear her say, "I'm in the bathroom, Christian" Thank god. I breathe out a sigh of relief. Walking in the bathroom she's putting the finishing touches on her makeup. No matter how many times I tell her that she has natural beauty and doesn't need all that junk on her face, she doesn't listen. As she puts her mascara on, she looks at me in the mirror. How the hell do women do that?

"You're not wearing that to your parents' house, are you?" I look down. I'm still in my pajamas.

"No, I'll go change"

"Want me to pick something out for you?"

"Absolutely" I smile. She put on her lipstick. It's a pale pink. She blots the extra off with a tissue and tosses the tissue in the small waste bin under the sink. Walking over to me, she kissed my cheek then turned on her heel out of the bathroom and into our bedroom.

In the closet Ana takes out a pair of dark blue jeans, a white dress shirt, one of my dress vest, and tosses me a pair of shoes that land one inch away from my pinky toe.

"Here, hurry up and get dressed or we're going to be late" Demanding little thing isn't she, but as a good soon to be husband, I do as she says. She stands there and watches me as I drop my pants to the floor. She licks her lips. Oooo, I can have fun with this. I turn around giving her full view of my naked ass. That's right baby take a nice long look.

I turn around showing her my semi. Just thinking about her watching me like this turns me on. Still naked I walk pass her to the dresser picking up her favorite cologne that she likes me wearing. Calvin Klein's Obsession, and gave myself a little spray here and there. She told me one time that the smell turns her on. I turn around and smirk.

Now completely dressed, I turn to her and ask, "How do I look?" She hasn't moved from her spot. She looks me over from head to toe and says, "Like a million bucks, but why on god's green earth did you have to wear that cologne. You know what it does to me"

I move so that I'm standing right in front of her. Ana closes her eyes and inhales deeply. "Is something the matter baby?" I smirk.

"No" Her voice sounding squeaky. "I-I'm good" She presses her thighs together.

"We better get going sweetheart. We wouldn't be late to my parents" I take her hand and we walk out our bedroom. The entire way to the parking garage she stays close by me, breathing in and out. I know my smell intoxicates her.

As we drive to the front of my parents' house we see my mother and father standing out front waiting for us. Taylor stops the car and opens the door for me and Ana.

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