Chapter 11

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CPOV (June)

I didn't get discharged like my mother had hoped. I did suffer minor muscle lose in both my legs. Luckily enough a week later my mother convinced Dr. Randall to discharge me. A physical therapist came to the house every day to help me build the muscle back in my legs to be able to walk again.


My name is called. I stand from my seat and walk down to the long stage. The head master is standing there with my diploma. I grab my diploma with one hand and shake his hand with the other. As I walk to the end of the stage I look into the crowd for my family. There they are sitting in the front row cheering for me. My mom has tears in her eyes which she dabs away with her tissue. I've come a long way.

After the ceremony my family and I go out to dinner. Ana couldn't come. She promised her father that she would stay home and spend some time with him. I understand too. She and I have been spending all our free time together. In a way I'm glad she isn't here. I think tonight is the night I'm going to sit down with my parents and have a heart to heart and tell them everything about Elena and I.

Arriving back home after dinner I take a shower and change into my pajamas. I go into the kitchen and see my mom and dad sitting at the kitchen table talking.

"Mom Dad. I need to talk to you about something" I start.

"Of course son. What seems to be the trouble?" My father says.

"I'm not sure how to say this" Which is true. I really don't know how I'm supposed to tell my parents. My mom especially.

"You can tell us anything sweetheart"

"I know" I sigh. "I just need the both of you to keep an open mind about what I'm about to tell you. I also need you to let me explain everything before you speak" They both have a concerned look on their face.

Well here goes nothing. They will either believe me or they won't.

"Remember when I was 15. I had a lot of problems. The drinking, the drugs, and all the fights I would get into. And you remember when you had suggested that I needed a part-time job to get my act together, and Elena has mention to you that she needed work done at her house" My mother nodded her head.

"Yes I remember. It helped you out a great deal"

"Right" I pause. "Well, while I was working there something happened. It was a complete shock to me at first"

"What was dear?"

"Elena. She...she slapped me...hard"

"Did you break something? I mean she has no reason to be slapping you, but that's the only thing I could think of why she would have done what she did"

"Mom, please. Let me finish" My mom waved her hands for me to continue. "She slapped me, and I liked it. The reason why I liked it is because after she slapped me she kissed me" My mother's eyes widen.

"After she kissed me she just walked away. Then one day she came up to me again and told me that she has a solution to all my problems. I asked her what is was, but she just told me that she could tell me she had to show me. She led me downstairs into her basement. Mom she has a secret room hidden in her basement. I'm not even sure if Mr. Lincoln knows about it. When she took me in there I was shocked but yet intrigued.

She told me the solution to my problem was I didn't have any control over myself. That if I learned how to control myself I could get myself away from the drugs and the drinking. She told me that the lifestyle I needed would help me with that"

"And what lifestyle would that be?" My father asked.

"A BDSM lifestyle. I am or was her Submissive. She would whip me then make, well you know"

"I...I" I put my hand up to stop my mother. If I was going to tell her I didn't want to stop I just want to keep going and get it all out in the open.

"That night when you found me nearly dead that was all done by the hands of Elena. She caned me. She caned me because of Ana. During one of our session I called out Ana's name. I didn't know why. Why I was thinking about Ana. Now I do. It was because I was in love with her. I didn't know I was at the time that I was but that would explain why I said her name. Now she is the only thing on my mind day and night" I DID IT! I screamed to myself. I finally did it, I told my parents.

Tears filled my mother's eyes. I know this is like a slap in the face to her. But I had to do it I had to tell them. I couldn't live with this anymore.

My poor mother is in full sobs right now. My dad on the other hand looks pissed. Really pissed. I sit next to my mother. I'm sure she doesn't want me near her right now. She's ashamed of me. Her son slept with her friend.

"Mom. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm so sorry. Please, forgive me" I myself start to cry. It takes her a few minutes. She wipes away her tears and begins to collect herself. She shifts in her seat and faces me. I'm so ashamed with myself that I can't even look at her. Instead I lower my head and stare down at my feet.

"Christian" She says. I don't look up. I'm too afraid to see the hurt in her eyes. "Christian, please look at me" I slowly life my head to look at her. Her eyes are red and puffy.

"Did you do it because of us? Was it because you thought we didn't love you?"

"Christian why didn't you come to us? The day she slapped you. Why didn't you just come and tell us?"

"I don't know. I was stunned at first. Like I couldn't believe she did that, but then she kissed me. I know that this might sound disturbing to hear but I liked it. I liked the rush it gave me," I tell her honestly.

"I'm really sorry mom. Please don't be mad at me. I should have never done anything. I should have told you"

"I'm not mad at you Christian. I'm upset with you but not mad. Who I'm mad at right now is Elena. No, scratch that, I'm pissed. I want to rip her throat out and spit down her neck" My mother looks over to my father and he nods his head as if he could read her mind.

"I have to make a call" Dad gets up from his chair.

"Who are you going to call?" I question.

"The police" He states.

"No you can't" I stand up right away. Shit, crap, fuck. If he calls the police she'll go after Ana. Even if she's in jail she'll find a way to go after her, I know it.

"Don't you dear stand there and tell me that you're going to protect her after everything she has done to you, Christian" My mother shouts.

"No mom, please. It's not what you think. If she finds out that I told you or that you went to the police she would come after me. Or worse, she would go after Ana. I know for a fact that she hated the fact that Ana and I are friends. And if she finds out that Ana and I are together who knows what she would do"

"Don't worry son. We'll make sure you and Ana are safe until Elena is arrested. Even if it means hiring a security team," Dad said.

"You promise?"

"I promise Christian"


"Christian does Ana know about this? About you and Elena?"

"No" I shake my head. "If I do she'll think I'm a monster. I don't want to tell her"

"You have to tell her. This isn't something you should keep from her. A good relationship should have no secrets. Ana loves you; I know she'll forgive you"

My father gave me a reassuring pat on the back. My mom gives me a hug but then starts to cry into my shoulder. I'm happy their not mad at me as I thought they would be. I'm glad I was able to get this out into the open with them.

Now I need to think of how I'm going to tell this to Ana. I don't want her to think I'm a monster.

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