Chapter 17

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"I told you Anastasia. You shouldn't be alone"


"Christian..." I begin, but soon get cut off by another knock on the door. Dr. Johnson.

"Evening" Dr. Johnson said to me, and then looked at Christian. "I'm sorry I don't believe we've met"

"I'm sorry. This is Christian, he's a friend of my father's," I inform the good doctor, leaving out that fact that Christian was my high school sweetheart. My comment doesn't go unnoticed by Christian and he shoots me a look of hurt.

"It's nice to meet you"

"Likewise" Christian replies.

"Alright, in a few short minutes we're going to start weaning your father off the Propanol slowly. The dose he is on is relatively low as it is"

"How soon do you think it'll take before he wakes up then?" I ask.

"It all depends on how his body reacts. He could wake within the first hour, or until it is completely out of his system" Dr. Johnson starts pressing some buttons on the IV machine and lights begin to flash.

"Now we wait. A nurse will be in every hour to lower the dosage even more. If you start noticing any changes press the call button for the nurse"

"Thanks you" The doctor takes his leave and I go stand next to my father's bed. I'm hoping that he'll wake up right away, but I know it doesn't work like that.

In the corner of the room is an oversized hospital chair that can fold out into a makeshift bed. Christian has already made himself at home and is now sitting on it with his phone in his hands typing away.

"I can feel you staring at me Anastasia" He looks up at me.

"Why are you here?" He sighs. He puts his phone down on the armrest.

"I told you this already. You shouldn't-"I cut him off.

"Yeah, yeah. I heard you the first time, but why" He stands up from the chair.

"Because I fucking can Ana. Don't you get it?" He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair, yanking at the ends. "Let's just stop this and get comfortable. We're going to be here for a while" Christian sits back down and begins to type again on his phone. I roll my eyes and say,

"Fine" I begin to slowly pace the floor. I'm not pacing because I'm waiting for my dad to wake. I'm pacing because it helps me think. I'm thinking of how much more time I'm going to need off of work.

"Why are you pacing the floor?" Christian asks.

"It helps me think"

"And what do you need thinking about?"

"I'm thinking how much more time I'm going to need off from work. When my dad wakes up and after he's discharged from the hospital he is still going to need a lot of help around the house. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get that much time off from work"

"Where do you work?"

"What, don't you know already?"

"No Anastasia I don't. Ray never discussed your personal life with me"

"Oh" I bite my lip. "I work at Barns and Noble" He starts to laugh. "What's so funny?" I ask.

"You're kidding me right? You have a degree in English literature and you're working at Barns and Noble"

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