Chapter 4: Tye

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I walk through the hall towards the training room. It has been a couple of weeks since christena and Josée first arrived. Its is kind of wierd for me because they keep on treating me like im their brother or something, just because seraphie is my sister and they were raised as her 'sisters'... ugh! This is so confusing.

So far we have found out that they are both tilk. Josée has the power to manipulate the elements. Christena can cast spells with some kind of sorcery. We are still working on figuring out the extent of these powers but they are already quite remarkable.

Also, both of them have a basic form of the super soldier serum in their blood. Hydra was probably able to develop a basic version of the serum from the tests they ran on Seraphie. This also explains their slow aging process, like mine and seraphies.

I finally arrive at the training room. I scan my hand and the door slides open. I step inside to see Seraphie, Josée, and Christena practicing their hand to hand combat in the ring. I walk over to the target practice area to practice my aim.

I have really improved in the past few months but i am still not quite at the pint i want to be at. I strap om the sensors. They will distribute a small burst of pain in my body if i am shot in the session.

I grab a handgun off the wall and hit the red button on the wall. I walk into the room. I hear the automated voice read out to warnings and saftey rules for the training area. The training session will begin as soon as she shuts up.

I get annoyed with the long message. I have heard ot every time i have practiced in here. Which is alot. I aim for the speaker that is sending out the message and i shoot it. It immedietly stops talking and my session begins.

I stand in the middle of the room, ready for the first target to pop up. I see the holographic image pop up in the corner of the room. I aim at it and fire. It falls to the ground as if it is dead. Behind me another two targets pop up. I duck down as i turn to them. They fire at me and i dodge the bullets and shoot them both in their holographic heads.

I continue through the session for another 20 minutes or so. I am nearing the end of it. I see the last few people pop up i aim for them and shoot. Just as i am about to celebrate my win i feel a sharp pain between my shoulder blades.

"Dammit! You stupid son of a bitch! I won! No! You cant just shoot me from behind when i am this close! No!" I scream. I throw the gun at the ground. As it makes contact it goes of and the bullet just barely misses my face.

"Really?" I say to myself annoyedly.

I grab the gun and walk out of the room. I hang my gun up on the wall and rip off the sensors.

"Better luck next time bro." Seraphie calls over.

"Thanks..." i say slowly.

I walk out of the training room, passing Kaden on my way out. I sigh a little to myself once the doors close, separating the two of us.

Ive moved on from Kaden... i mean, its been over four months. But i still get a tight feeling in my chest whenever i see her. We were so close and now we have drifted apart. I just wish i could at least have my friend back...

I walk out to the control room where Patrick, as always, is hunched over at his work space, looking for olivia.

I plop down at my seat defeatedly and begin to help with the search that seems to be going on forever. We have found absolutely no information and we are no closer to finding Olivia than we were on the day she went missing. But Patrick is convinced that we can find her, and the rest of us dont have any better plans, so we just sit here, day after day, searching for a needle in the worlds largest haystack. And it seems impossible to find.

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