Chapter 19: Olivia

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I walk at a quick pace towards my old room. When i get to rhe door i slam my hand down on the scanner. It doesnt open. I press it again. Nothing.
"What the hell?" I say.

"Sorry. We took you off of our servers. We didnt want you breaking in here while you were with thanos." Sammi says.

"Oh. Okay. I got it." I say.

Seraphie scans her hand and presses a few buttons. I then place my hand on the scanner and the door opens.

"There. Youre back in." She says.

"Thanks." I say. I walk into the room. It looks the exact sameas i left it. Patricks clothes still in the closet next to mine. My makeup and jewlery strewn across my table. I grab all of patricks clothes. The other girls grab the rest of his things. They follow me, waiting tk see what ill do with it. I walk up to the trash shute in the hall and drop it all down.

"Are you sure?" Sammi asks. I nod. The others drop the last of his things down the chute. We walk back into the room. It is now half empty. But its better this way. I dont need yo be constantly remembering him. I grab all of my clothes, the others grab the rest of my things, and we walk down the hall. I open the door of the bedroom right next to sammis. The one on my other side is empty too.

We walk in amd set up my things. Once everything is set up, josee comes in. We all sit down in the room. Me and sammi on the bed, christena in a chair and Josée and seraphie on the mini sofa.

"Alright. Can someone fill me in?" I ask.

"Well..." seraphie says. "These are my two closest friends from hydra. We were raised as sisters. Josee has elemental powers and christena has all sorts of witchcraft-like powers. They came and tracked me down a little while ago. And now theyre here."

"Wow. Okay." I say. "Nice to meet you guys! Now can someone tell me about... him..."

"And by him you mean... patrick. Right?" Sammi confirms. I nod. "Well... im that case. I guess i have to let you know that he killed me."

"What?" I shout.

"Yeah. He went really psycho after you left. He wouldnt calm down. He was always looking. And he had these outbursts... where he would usually just hurt people. Either that or he'd yell and scream." Sammi says.

"Whoah." I say.

"Yeah. He was kinda bat shit crazy." Christena says. Josée nudges her in the chest a little too hard. "Oh... right... sorry. He wasnt that crazy... i guess..."

"Dont worry. Dont lie. I could see it in him. Nothing had really pulled it out before though... except for that time on asgard... and that oth--" i say softly. "Yeah..."

"Lets move on from this topic... its getting kind of depressing..." sammi says.

"Kind of?" Seraphie asks.

"Oh shut up!" Sammi laughs.

"Its time to go anyways guys. Time to go bury my apparently psycho ex..." i laugh a little but it fades quickly.

Sammi holds my hand and squeezes it tight. "Its all going to be fine. Youll be fine. Youll move on quick enough. Youll find someone even better." She says.

"Thanks sammi." I say softly. "I hope so."

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