Chapter 5: Kaden

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I walk past tye as i enter the training room. He seems so tense around me lately. I feel horrible. But there really isnt muh i can do about it. I was the one to break up with him. But he hurt me and i had every right to break up with him... i just wish i could have my friend back.

I walk over to where the other girls are training. They are testing out their hand to hand combat skills and i have to say they are damn good. I guess thats what you get for being raised and trained by hydra for almost 75 years.

"Hey guys!" I say as i get closer to them.

"Hey Kaden!" Christena says cheerfully.

"what are you guys doing?" I ask.

"Just finishing up our hand to hand. Were about to start working with our powers. Want to come?" Seraphie asks.

"Sure! Sounds like fun!" I say. I tap my wrist and my suit comes flying at me and assembles itself. I fly over to the door and oven it. I fly down to the ground and wait as Josée sends out a gust of wind and uses it to gently carry herslef, christena and seraphie down to the soft grass where i am.

"Okay. So whos first?" I ask.

"Me." Seraphie says.

"Okay. Lets see... that tree over there, i want you to lift it up and flip it upside down and replant it that wat in the ground." I say.

"Easy as pie...mmm... pie..." seraphie says slowly, licking her lips

"Okay there Dean Winchester. Calm down and just flip the tree. Then well all get pie and watch some supernatural before Patrick calls us back in to work." Christena laughs.

"Ugh! What is with you guys' obsession with supernatural!?" Josée asks.

"Um... hot guys?" I say.

"Good plot lines?" Seraphie says.

"Jawlines! AMAZING JAWLINES!" Christena shouts.

"YES!" Seraphie and I agree.

"Whatever..." josée laughs.

"Just flip the goddamn tree already!" I shout.

"Fine." Seraphie flicks her wrist and focuses. The tree slowly uproots itself and turns over. We watch at it is gently lowered back into the earth. As seraphie releases her hold, we see that the tree stays upright.

"Nice!" Christena says.

"Yeah! That was great!" Josée says. "My turn?"

"Sure." I say. "Just one last thing. Seraphie. What number am i thinking of?"

"932,474,261,057,354." Seraphie says quickly.

"Nice." I say. "Okay. Your turn josée. I want you to set the upside down tree on fire, put it out with water, knock it down with wind, then grow a new tree from where the old one was planted."

"Easy." Josée chuckles. She holds her hands out in front of her and sends and ball of fire straight at the tree. It instantly bursts into flames. She then pulls a long stream of water out of the nearbly lake and douses the fire on the tree instantly goes out, just in time for the tree to be hit with a strong gust if air, knocking it to the fround and tearing it into nothing but splinters.

We all watch in awe as all of the splinters from the old tree come together and form a brand new tree. This on however is not a pine tree. This tree is a maple tree.

"Ta da!" She laughs.

"Why a maple leaf?" I ask.

"Because, as it turns out, I'm Canadian. I found it in the hydra files before we left." Josée explains.

"Cool... literally. Canada is cold. Eh?" Christena says in her best Canadian accent. "I mean, they ride polar bears and moose to work, and drink maple syrup, what's that all aboot?"

"You do kow that canada is basically the exact same as the us except theyhave more land and less people?" Seraphie asks.

"I know... whatever." Christena laughs.

"Well. I guess that brigs us to your turn christena." Josée says.

"Okay. What do i do?"

"Use a spell to make yourself fly onto the air. Then once you are up high enough to see the whole base, cast an invisibility spell over it. Then bring yourself back down to us. Well be waiting inside, that way we dont get lost outside of the base once it disappears." Seraphie says.

"Alright. Here. Ill give you guys a boost inside." Christena says. She mutters a spell under her breath that lifts us all up and carrys us inside the base. We all watch as she lifts herself into the air and casts the spell. It works amazingly as we check by popping our heads out the door and the disapear for yhe brief second that the are within the region of the spell.

Christena guides herself carefully down to the door and we close it behind her. I tap my wrist and my suit goes flying back into its place on the wall.

"Nice session guys. Youre all getting your powers under control really well. Congrats. Lets head back out to the control room and tell the guys about our new security level." I say.

"Sounds good to me!" Seraphie says.

We all walk to the control room. When we arrive i scan my hand and the door flys open. We see the boys each at their own work spaces.

"Hey boys! We just did a training session and it went great!" Christena announces.

"Yeah, yeah, no need to brag..." tye says grumpily... wonder what got into him.

"And! The base is now completely invisible. Literaly. Christena cast a spell on it. Its pretty damn cool." Josée adds.

"Will you guys shut up already and come check this out?" Patrick say, a smile across his face for the first time in over four months. He points at a small blinking red light on the computer screen. "We found her."

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