Chapter 31: Tye

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We have been working on the plan for several hours now and i think that we finally have it all figured out.

"Okay. Lets review one last time." Olivia says. "We all need to attack thanos while i put out an energy force field tunnel for lucas to run through to get to thanos. Jeffery will shape shift into thanos to distract him while lucas quickly grabs the gauntlet. This will only dostract him for a brief moment so well have to work quick. Then lucas will bring me the gauntlet and i will reverse what thanos is doing to midgard. Then we will all beat the shit out of him because he is pretty damn useless without his gauntlet. Okay?"

"Wait... why do you get to use the gautlet?" I complain.

"Because. The gauntlet responds better to higher power. I am half kree elder and half Asgardian Godess. Im pretty sure that the gauntlet will respond better to me, than to a 75 year old midgardian with some high tech steroids in his blood." She says.

"Dont bring up my age. Youre 193!" I shout.

"Actually. Im 194. And that means that i am older than you, therefor the gauntlet will respond better... youre just digging your grave deeper and deeper." She laughs.

"Makes sense." Sammi says.

"So how much longer do we have?" Seraphie asks.

"We have three says until earth is fried." Olivia explains. "So--"

"So. We have time to get a good nights sleep tonight. Train hard and prepare for the battle tomorrow. Get to sleep early for an early morning the next day then well head out and get thanos. And well still have a day and a half as a buffer." Lucas explains.

"Right." Olivia says. She smiles softly at Lucas. I know that she would have just told us to go attack now but Lucas knows what we really need. He helps her and she helps him. They're good for each other.

"Sounds pretty solid." Leo says. "Except for one big thing."

"What?" Shanice asks.

"How do we find thanos?" Leo asks.

"Oh... right... that is a biggie..." Dalt says.

"Little bit." Alex laughs.

"Oh... shit... thats a good point..." I say.

"Yeah." Sammi laughs.

"Finding Thanos will be simple. He just needs to see us ready to fight." Eathan says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"He means, we need to make him notice us and see that were ready to fight him. We need to go out to where ever we want the battle to happen, and call for him. Trust me. He'll come." Olivia says.

"Alright. So that means we have to find a place to go to have the battle... right?" Lucas asks.

"Yeah. And i know the perfect spot." Olivia says. She slides her hand across the holo table and pulls up a 3-D represtentation of a meadow. There is a large burn mark in the centre. It is filled with asgardian lettering. Thats when i realize that this is the meadow that we went to to use the bifrost.

"Why there?" Leo asks.

"Because, idiot! Thats where the bifrost entrance is! That way if we get into trouble, Hiemdall can pull us to asgard." Sammi says rudely. "Duh, wasnt it obvious? I mean, you are Asgardian... arent you?"

Leo takes a step back pretending to be hurt from her statement. He places a hand over his heart. "Damn, that hurt babe."

Sammi rolls her eyes and turns back to the table. Once she is facing away from Leo i can see a small hint of a smile on her cheeks. But it quickly disapears as soon as she notices it.

"So is everyone good with the plan?" I ask. Everyone nods in agreeance and looks around at the rest of the group. "Then were good! Lets all get some sleep!"

"Agreed!" Dalt laughs. "Where do we sleep?"

"We can get you guys some rooms." Sammi says. "Ill set you guys up. The rest of you get to sleep. You're going to need it for tomorrows training."

"Okay! Night Sammi!" I say.

"Night guys." She says as she guides the newcomers out to their new rooms, which are just down the hall from ours.

"Okay. Im going to go turn in too. Night." says Jeffery.

"Same here." Seraphie says. "Ill walk with you."

"Thanks!" He laughs. The two of them head of to their rooms.

"The rest of us should go too." I say to Olivia and Lucas.

"We know. Well be out in a minute. You go ahead. Okay?" Lucas says. He doesn't move his head to face me though he just keeps on looking at Liv.

"Alright. But don't be up too late you two. And no silly business. You're too young for that." I laugh. "Damn now i feel like the dad of the group... And not a fun dad either." I mutter to myself.

"Tye. You are aware that i am ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY FOUR YEARS OLD! And Lucas is ONE HUNDRED AND NINTEY SEVEN! We aren't too young. If anything you are. And we ALL KNOW WH--" Olivia laughs.

"Shut up! Okay okay. I get it." I laugh turning to walk out of the room. "Just so you know though, i wasn't kidding. Get to sleep soon. Big day tomorrow."

"We know." Lucas says impatiently to me.

"Alright. Just being sure. Night you two." I say.

"Night Tye." Olivia says as i walk out the door and into the hallway towards my room.

I open the door to my room and practically fall into bed. I quickly drift into a peaceful sleep.

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