Chapter 12: Seraphie

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"What the hell just happened?!" I shout. I walk down the hall catching up with Sammi and Christena and towards the med room.

"I dont know! He just attacked me! He kept talking about how he couldn't find Olivia and about how i was scared of him. I kept on trying to call my suit but every time i got close, he would try to attack me. Finally i decided that i would just go for it. But before i could reach the button he got really mad and sent out some sort of energy pulse. I blacked out after that..." she says.

"Who? Patrick?" I ask.

"Yeah!" Sammi says.

"Well shit... what got into him? Hes usually not like that!" I say.

"I know." Sammi replies. We finally arrive at the med room. I scan my hand and the door opens. "Im fine guys! Really!" Sammi says.

"You were dead dumbass!" Christena shouts.

'"What?!" I shout.

"Im alive now though!" Sammi shouts. "Jeez! Calm down!" She walks with us over to the nearest bed.

"Just sit down Sammi." I say. She stares defiantly at me for a moment.

"Fine!" She exclaims defeatedly. She hops onto the bed "but i assure you theres nothing wrong with me!"

"It DOESNT MATTER! You are human! You have no special strength or powers unless your suit is on! You were just attacked by a GOD! A fuckig GOD!" Christena shouts. "We are checking you out. Whether you like it or not." Sammi nods.

I go and fetch the med equiptment and sammi instructs us on how to use it all on her. Once we are finished testing her we figure out that her worst injury is a slight concussion from hitting her head on the floor when she collapsed.

"Alright. Youre lucky this time." Christena laughs.

"Told you!" She laughs.

"Well calm down. You still have a minor concussion!" I say.

"So? My dad was Tony Stark. Do you know how many of those suits i tested? Do you know how many failed? How many times i wiped out and got concussions? Im used to 'em now. They barely even phase me!"she giggles.

"Whelp... that confirms it. Youre insane!" I laugh.

"Affirmitive." She laughs.

"We should probably try to figure out whats up woth Patrick..." i say slowly.

"Yeah..." Christena says. "Wait... has anyone seen josée lately?"

"Oh yeah... where is she?" I ask. We all get up and start looking around te base for her. Instead, we find Patrick.

He is smashing all of the burnt computers. He has his full armour on and his shooting at tem with his sceptre.

"What the hell man!?" Christena shouts. He turns to us, his eyes wide and glowing green.

"Where is she! I need to find her! WHERE IS SHE!?" Patrick shouts.

My vision begins to get all fuzzy. Thats when I see whitehall staring down at me shouting. He is pointing somewhere. I look and see that the computer room has disapeared. So have everyone else. It is just me and whitehall. I try to make out what he is saying.

"I dont care if you dont want to! We are doing this operation! And we are doing it today!" He shouts.

I feel myself shaking, tears welling up in my eyes. "But daddy... my cuts still hurt from the last one... please! Not today!" I say.

"No arguing! Just go! The room is already prepped. All that they are waiting for is you." He yells.

I see four burly men in black hydra issue uniforms. They come towards me. I stand, ready to fight them.

They sprint towaeds me. I hold my ground until the first man is only a few feet away. Then i spring into action. I take a quick step to the side, causing him to miss me and slam into the wall behind me.

I brace myself then i take a few quick steps forward into a flip. As i come down i extend my leg and kick the next guy in the face.

He falls to the floor and drops his gun. It is loaded with one needle of a blue anistetic liquid. I cock the gun and shoot the needle at the next guy who comes at me and hit him right between his eyes.

Now there is only one man left. I reach into my boot and slide out the small dagger that i keep hidden there at all times.

The man stares at it. His eyes widen in shock for a moment, but they quickly return to being determined and fierce. I return the look.

I sprint at him and throw myself into the air. He is a large man, probably close to 300 pounds. But it is all muscle. He jumps into the air to try and grab me while i fly above him.

I quickly throw my head backwords and pull my body downwards quickly. While he is in the air above me i quickly slide under him so i am standing behind him.

I turn my body around so i am facing his back. I slide my knife into the correct position i my hand and i stab him in the small of his back.

I look back at the room and see one of the men beside me starting to move. I lift up my foot and ram it into his stomach. He collapses again.

I look back and see Whitehall smiling at me. "Youre almost finished now child. Almost finished..." he says. I lifts up his cane and clicks a small button on the handle. A small needle shoots out and hits me in the leg.

I immedietly feel weak and collapse to the floor. My vision blues and quickly blacks out the last thing that i see is five men in lab coats walking into the room with a gurney. I feel them lift up my body. Then everything goes black.

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