Chapter 25: tye

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What the hell just happened...? Lucas just kissed Liv but that wasnt his dare... so that means. "Whoah! Whoah! Whoah!" I shout standing up quickly.

Everyone stares at me. "What?" Lucas asks innocently.

"What the hell just happened?" I ask.

"I think that Lucas just kissed olivia and it wasnt a dare. I think thats what just happened tye." Seraphie says. "And now i THINK that you are going to bug out of their buisness and drop it tye. Isnt that right sammi? Isnt that what happened?"

"I think that is what just happened seraphie." Sammi responds.

"Does no one care that seraphie just kissed me?" Jeffery asks.

"Nah. That was a quick kiss. And that was a dare. This... this was... damn." I laugh.

"What did i say tye. Drop the god damn subject." Seraphie says.

"Fine. Jeez." I laugh. "So. Is lucas going to do his real dare or not?"

"Sure. I dont see why not." Sammi says. "The person directly across from you would be... ME!"

"Cool." Lucas laughs.

"Great. The one person who doesnt actually have powers. Thats just great. Guess im using my suit... thats technically my power." Sammi laughs.

"Really? Youre the only non powered person around?" Tye asks.

"Yeah. I guess shes right. Even you have powers, you have the Tripple-S." Seraphie says.

"Tripple-S?" I ask.

"Super Soldier Serum?" Seraphie says in an obvious tone.

"Whatever. Anyways. Continue on you two." I say.

Sammi taps her wrist and signals her suit. It quickly assembles itself around her.

"So what? I just stand her an get hit by a couple shots from her?" Lucas asks. Seraphie nods. "Ouch. I cant even fight back or defend myself or move?"

"Nope." I laugh.

"Alright then. Lets get this over with." Lucas says.


"Guys... what the hell. I just want to sleep. Why are we still playing?" I ask.

"Because. Im not tired yet." Sammi says energetically.

"How?" Jeffery asks.

"Because. Shes used to pulling all nighters. Shes like her dad. Always has a project so never gets to sleep." Seraphie says sleepily.

"Please remind me why they were aloud to fall asleep though?" Tye asks.

"Because! Look how cute they are!" Sammi squeals quietly. I look over at Olivia and Lucas. She got tired a few hours ago and fell asleep on him. We covered her in a blanket and lucas fell asleep too. Sammi insisted that we let them sleep. But anytime that one of us passes out, she douses us in ice water. Then she just says: 'what? Thats how i learned!' And walks away.

"Please sammi. We need sleep. We arent like you! We arent robots! And niether are you. Get some rest. Just because you wear a robots body doesnt mean you are one." I beg.

"Youre probably right... just one last thing..." Sammi says. She pulls out her phone and takes a quick picture of Lucas with Olivia sound asleep on his chest.

"Wow. You really are never going to let her forget this... are you?" I ask.

"Nope. Not really." Sammi laughs.

"So can we sleep now?" Jeffery asks.

"Sure why the hell not." Sammi laughs.

I sigh of relief and roll onto the soft cushiony carpeted floor. I pull and old blanket off of a nearby pile and cover my self in it. I fall asleep the second my eyes are shut. But it is not a sound sleep.

I see flashes of colours, all of the colours of the rainbow, each of them glittering and having the reflection of the stars on them. The background of the dream is a dirty gold colour. A voice, low and raspy calls out. "Death? Death? Is that you my love?" The voice asks over and over.

I wake up suddenly, drenched in sweat. I look around the room and see that jo one is in here. How long has it been? Where is everyone? I need to tell them about the dream... that voice... id know that voice from anywhere. It haunts all of my brightest dreams and all of my darkest nighmares... the boice calling out for death was unmistakably Thanos'... Thanos lives.

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