Chapter 8: Seraphie

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I kneel down and pick up the letter that Thanos sent. The stupid letter that got my brother killed. I rip it open and pull the letter out.

"This better damn be a good letter if Tye died because of it." I shout as i walk over to the others who are wrapping up Tyes body gently in a blanket from the tower.

"Whats it say?" Sammi asks, wiping a tear from her cheek.

I unfold the letter. "What the heck? Its jiberish! Its just a bunch of random symbols! What the heck?!"

Patrick finally says something for the first time since olivia left. "Pass it here."

I do as he asked and pass it to him. He reads the letter carefully.

"So? Can you read it?" Josée asks.

"Yeah... yeah... its just in Asgardian. Ive known this language since i was a kid." He says.

"So? What does it say?" I demand.

Patrick stares at the letter in rage. His hands begin to shake.

"What does it say?" I ask again.

He crumples up the paper and throws it across the room and falls to the floor.

I use my telekenisis to pull the paper back to me. I uncrumple it and look at it. I still cant read it.

"Patrick please. Its in Asgardian. None of us can read Asgardian!" I shout.

He raises his hand and creates a holographic image over the paper. Now it reads in english.

I watch as the letter slowly shift from Asgardian lettering into English. I take a sharp inhale and realize why patrick was so angry about the letter.

I rip it up and throw its pieces off the building. A gush of tears comes running down my cheeks.

The letter. The two simple words that were on that letter. My brother died because these two words were delivered. And now we may all die because of these two simple, yet deadly words... your move.

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