Chapter 30: Lucas

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I stand beside Olivia watching her as she throws out ideas on how we can defeat thanos. It has been at least three hours that we have been brainstorming and we still have nothing.

"Wait..." Olivia says. "Thanks' power comes mostly from the gauntlet right? Like, thats what makes him so hard to beat?"

"Yeah. I suppose." Jeffery says.

"Then why dont we just steal the gauntlet?!" I exclaim.

"Yeah. That's a great idea. Well just waltz up to him and ask for it politely." Tye says rudely.

"Oh my go! Just shut the fuck up you stupid son of a bitch. At least its better than any of your ideas!" Eathan shouts.

"Oh. Really? And whats your plan, big guy?" Tye asks.

"My plan is to follow Olivias plan." He replies. "I trust her. And i agree that taking the gauntlet is our best shot at defeating thanos."

"Whatever. Have fun dying. Im not doing that again. Im leaving." Tye says. He turn and starts walking away from the table. He is suddenly pulleed back to it by an invisible force. I look around and see seraphie moving her hands and controlling him.

"Everyone shut up. No one is leaving. We need all of the people we can get." She shouts. "Now lets all work together and find out ways to take the gauntlet."

I speak up "Well, if you guys could distract him, i could speed up and steal it from him while he is too busy fending off you guys?" Everyone looks at me silently for a second. They all seem to be trting to figure out if my plan could actually work.

After a few seconds Leo steps forward. "That could actually work... wed have to plan everything out anit more precicely still, but i think that that could be the good base of a plan."
"I agree with leo." Olivia says. "This could work. All in favor of this raise your hand."

A large group of hands go up. I cant quite tell if its everyones hands. So i ask "anybody opposed?" No one moves. "Good. Just makig sure."

"Now we need to plan this out a bit better. We need to fine tune our attack." Olivia says. "We should probably return to midgard. That way we can see if anything else has happened and also we can plan our attack in our actual base, with all of our ressources."

"Sounds like a plan. Lets grab our stuff and head home!" Sammi says.

"Everyone meet us at the bifrost once youre ready." Olivia says. She turns around and walk out of the room. We all follow right behind her. She scans her hand on the door to the evidence storage room and lets out all of Leo, Shanice, Alex, Chris, Dalt, and Eathan's things.

"Grab and go people. We have to move fast." Sammi says. All of the avengers half of the group (plus me and jeffery... i guess were on the team now?) run up to the bedrooms. I speed into mine and tidy it up so that it makes the job easier for the cleaners. I dont have anything that i brought with me other than what i already have on me, so i just go into Olivias room.

I stand in the corner of the room "Hey! Whats u--"

"Agh! Get out! Get out! Out!" She shrieks.

"What?!" I ask. Then i see her. My face flushes red, my jaw drops, and my eyes widen. "I-I-"

"Get out! Now!" She screams, running behind the nearest wall.

I speed out of the room. I am way too embarassed now. What the hell was i thinking. I laugh a little to myself. I fucking walked in on her changing. I need to knock before running in next time. I begin to laugh uncontrollably at what just happened. I see Eathan and Alex walking by. They give me a strange look and walk over.

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